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"Scott! Scott! Wake up!" I hear Esther whisper yell to me from my side of the bed.

"What is it?" I ask.

"There's someone in the backyard with a flashlight and I think it's one of Kirstie's guys." She says kneels next to me.

I quickly get up from my bed and walk towards the back door and look out the window.

There was two guys outside now trying to look through the back windows of the house.

I get up and walk towards the closet that Esther keeps the gun in and take it out.

"What are you going to do?" Esther asks.

"Just gather everyone in Avi's room and stay there until I come back in." I say walking out the front door quietly.

I quietly walk around to the back of the house and watch the guys try to get into the basement window.

When they actually got the window open enough to get in, I run around to them and shot them down and make sure they're dead.

After, I look around the property for other guys or any sort of camera.

I run back up the back of the house and walk towards Avi's room to gather everyone for a little meeting about what just happened.

"What happened!? We heard gunshots!" Avi says.

"It was two of Kirstie guys that were about to climb through the basement window and I shot them." I simply say.

"What are we going to do if she knows we're here?" Kevin asks.

"Relocate." Esther says.

"I agree with Esther. She's going to kill us all if we stay here we need to pack up and leave." Avi say.

"Alright then its settled. Everyone pack up and meet in the living room." Esther says getting up to walk out the room.

"No! We need to stop running!" Mitch says unexpectedly.

Hope y'all are enjoying this book! It's about to get intense so stay tuned and also thank you all so much for getting the first book in this series to 4K! It's amazing and completely unexpected! Thank you all so much!

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