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"Hello, Mitch." I say as I see him walk into the living room.

He's speechless.

"What's wrong, Mitchie? Thought you'd never see me again?" I say playfully.

"How the hell did you find me?" Mitch asks.

"Remember those guys you killed? They were my guys." I say getting up and walking closer to him.

Mitch takes a few steps back as I get closer to him.

"You know you hurt my feelings when you guys killed my two friends back at that hotel and you also hurt my feelings when you killed my two friends that came to visit you. Now you have to pay." I say pulling out a gun from my back pocket.

As I was reaching for my gun, a strong muscular hand twisted my arm back behind my back.

"Drop it." Scott says.

I turn my head around to look at him and laugh.

"Are you really going to beat up a girl?" I ask playfully.

"I'm not. But she is." Scott says looking at someone behind me.

I turn back around to look in front of me to see Esther throw a punch right to my nose.

"Boys!" I yell as three of my guys rush in from the basement where they were hiding.

Two go after Scott and one after Mitch.

Esther manages to beat me to the ground until I push her off of me onto her back.

"You hit like a girl." I say standing over Esther.

Just when I go to reach for my gun again, Avi tackles me to the ground.

"Not today, Satan." He says.

This is going to be harder than I thought.

Time for more backup.

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