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I feel bad for leaving Mitch at the house after knowing how he feels about everything, but that's his choice to stay there and face Kirstie head on.

If he makes it out of that battle with her alive, I'll be amazed.

The entire car ride to the new safe house consisted of Jeremy and Kevin talking about music and Scott sound asleep next to Jeremy, while Avi sat in the front seat with me.

Avi was reading a article about dragons on his phone like the talking from the back seat wasn't distracting him at all.

"Av?" I say.

"Yeah, sis?" He asks.

"Do you think I made the right decision leaving Mitch back there instead of forcing him to come with us?" I ask.

"Mitch is hard headed. He was going to stay no matter what you said." Avi says.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" I ask.

"If he's survived this long after what happened to him in prison and outside of prison, he can hold his own at that house." He says still reading the article.

"Thanks for listening." I say patting his shoulder.

"No problem." He says smiling finally looking up from his phone.

We finally got to the other safe house about an hour and a half ago.

Everyone is settled into their rooms and sleeping by now.

It's been a long night after all.

I go around to check on the guys and find Scott is the only one wide awake.

Unlike he was in the car.

"What are you still doing up?" I ask.

"Just thinking." Scott says.

"About?" I ask.

"What Mitch said to me before we left. I think I have to go back there." Scott says.

"That was his choice to stay there. Don't you feel guilted into going back there now." I say.

"He's my best friend and I'm not there for him." Scott says.

"Well he's YOUR best friend and he tried to have you killed and that's why we are where we are now." I say getting up to leave the room and him with his thoughts.

I hated telling him that again, but he shouldn't feel guilty for leaving Mitch behind at the last house.

Mitch thinks he can handle it himself, then let him.

If he dies while he's at it, then oh well.

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