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BITE - Troye Sivan
{warning: may include some homophobic remarks and possibly slurs so read at your own risk}

i kiss him softly.

i kiss him as if he was the most delicate thing in existence. because it's true.

tyler feels so fragile and small in my arms. i never want to let go of him. i want this moment to last forever. but that's not how it works.

"josh,"tyler breaks away from the kiss, gasping for air,"we really should go to class. we're already late."

"skipping english won't hurt us, baby boy."

"but we need to pass the class."

i groan,"tyler..."


"just this one class, okay? please? mr. miranda is a good teacher but his subject is too boring. i am sick of shakespeare's romeo & juliet and listening nonstop about how a founding father is the greatest rapper that could've been."

"i'm not staying here to make out with you while you insult alexander hamilton."

i roll my eyes at him,"seriously? alexander hamilton?"


"you're not kidding, are you?"

"not at all."

"fine. let's go to class. you're lucky i adore you this much."

he smiles, grabs his red backpack (which he adorned with lots of patches from different bands i've introduced him to) and stands up. he walks towards to the building, me following shortly after.

the wind makes his pastel yellow go up  a little. it's not as short as others he has worn, which makes me glad because i don't want any other guys looking at him the way i look at him.

we arrive to the class while mr. miranda is about to begin the lesson. he's a cool teacher so he let's it slide, also we may or may not be his favorite students. that's one perk of being the teacher's pet.

"shakespeare had a unique way of writing. he used to..."and many other words that make absolutely no sense to me come out of my teacher's mouth but my attention is fixed on tyler.

he is paying attention, taking notes and all. he sits next to me; middle seat, last row left to right, his seat right next to where the window is. the sunlight gives him a angelic like glow and he just looks so beautiful. i can truly admire all of his features on this light. he's truly the prettiest boy that has ever been created.

"mr. dun,"mr. miranda almost yells at me to capture my attention.

"yes?"i turn around to face him and pray to any powers that may be that he was just making me pay attention and not answer a question.

"what's your opinion on romeo & juliet?"

"um...i think it's the dumbest thing ever."

i feel everyone's eyes on me, specially tyler's. he's probably judging me a lot right now. he is practically in love with the play for some reason.

"why's that?"

"well, first of all, falling in love takes time. it's not a one day thing like theirs. second of all, since when is death the answer to everything?"

"so you don't believe in love at first sight?"tyler asks.

i look at him and then back at the teacher,"no."

everything has changed ✧ joshler   [ON HOLD]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang