Panic! in the classroom

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"Laura.....Laura? Laura!" I heard someone speak then a something hard hit me in the head. That damn football.

"Pidge? You ok?" I looked up and saw Luke looking at me with those eyes.
I fully woke up and I was in a classroom, what? "You were asleep" Luke smirked and then took papers off someone who was handing them to him. Pieces of crumpled up papers were being thrown around the room, it was quite noisy.

"What hit me on the head? It felt like I got hit by a bus" I groaned "haha no I realized you were sleeping and shook you to wake you, maybe a little too hard.." he giggled "then your head just fell away from your hand and hit the desk" he chuckled and handed me the papers, I was too tired to yell at him for being the main cause of my headache "What are these??" I questioned looking down at the papers my eyes still fuzzy "Math  papers" he stated getting other papers passed to him "Math papers? for-for what?" "You really don't remember anything do you, Pidge? That table must have hit you pretty hard" he chuckled and I just looked at him, totally confused

"Papers for the exam-" I cut him off "We have an exam now?!" I freaked out knowing I hadnt studied "No no no! These are for revision so we know what to study, for the exam" He spoke trying to calm me and sit me back down

"Oh, ok. Jesus you scared me" I laughed a little at myself "My name isn't Jesus!" He laughed quoting one of our favourite movies we watch together 'Scream' I couldt remember if it was 1 or 2 at the moment, I was still half asleep.

I laughed at him and looked through the paper, it looked pretty ok. "Hey, Luke?" "Yes, darling" he flashed me a goofy smile "its Monday isnt it?" I moaned, ugh I don't like Mondays "Eh, its Thursday, babe" he chuckled "Oh, woo!" I laughed "I really do have the memory of a goldfish.."  he always says that about me, he laughed and I said "And the eyes of one too!" I crossed my eyes making them really wide and making the fish suck-in mouth really close to his face and we both burst into laughter. I then noticed the the teacher wasn't in the classroom. I turned back to him and was still pretty close, so he kissed me on the nose and smiled. He then put his arm around my waist and squeezed me for a sideways hug as we looked at the papers. "So do you know this stuff?' he smiled at the paper knowing I probably didnt

"eh, yeah its ok. some of it I know. Good thing I have a great Maths tutor" I grinned at him and pointed my fingers at him as if they were guns shooting him and winked. He looked down and grinned "Ok, I guess I could help you, but you know I have to check my schedule.." He tried to say without smiling and failed. He squeezed me again and we took another look at the papers. Then our teacher came back in.

Mr Ed. was a short man, with a bowl hair cut tupe and big round classes. He always smelled and never tought us anything. But that was ok since I had Luke as a Maths tutor. Luke's mother used to be a Math teacher, but then she quit and finally got a job she loved, then we lost her.

"Ok class so I'm hoping you all got your papers so now you know what to study. I realize you're almost on your Christmas break-" the while class cheered and got a lot louder then he tried to talk over them "but remember the exams are before that so, keep-keep studying" he sniffed pushing his glasses further up his nose with nobody listening. The bell rang and it was time to go home. We all gathered our things and rushed out the door, he may have still been talking but I'm not sure, I wasn't listening.

I turned around and saw Luke get a few pushes and shoves as he tried to walk out the door. I hated how they treated him. It used to be a lot worse with the bullying, but since he joined the football team everybody laid off him a little. See Luke had confidence issues, and when i say 'confidence issues' I mean it was next to non-existent. If I wasn't there he'd let people walk all over him, and still does sometimes. He doesn't deserve that. No one does.

"Hey, you ready to go?" Luke asked with a small hurt smile and just brushed off those douche bags treating him like that, again. I gave him a sympathetic smile and took his hand, we made our way home.


"Hey so how bout a movie night tonight? Its gettin' Christmasy!" I smile getting excited "Aren't we supposed to have one tomorrow?" he giggled at my bad memory "Oh yeah! Memory of a goldfish, remember?" We laughed. We were just at the roads where he went down one to his house and I went down the other to mine.

"ugh I have to go home and study" me moaned "I know me too" I pouted "But its ok cause we get Christmas holidays in return for our studying so its all G" I smiled trying to be positive. As they say, 'Always Look on The Bright Side of Life' or whatever 

"Haha, yeah I cant wait! I'll talk to you later, k?" he giggled playing with my hands, hes so cute "Yeah, see ya later" I gave him a hug and his hand slipped from mine as I started to walk away. I could feel his eyes still on my and I turned around and he was just there, looking at me. Smiling. "What?" I laughed making him smile at the ground and put his hands in pockets. "Go home, Luke! You'll catch a cold!" I could see he was playing with the right side of his bottom set of teeth with his tongue whilst smiling, kind of a habit of his I've picked up over the years.

"Go, on! Youre Australian self isnt used to these cold winter climates!" I shouted after him giggling since we were in LA and hes lived here basically all his life but I still call him Australian since his parents are, he still has a really strong accent. He calls me Irish since I've lived here as long as him but my parents are Irish and I guess I have the accent too.

I turned around and made my way home after watching him pull a few frost-covered leaves off a tree as he was walking. I felt amoment oh panic as I thought; Shit what am I gonna get him for Christmas?..


Heyy guys! Merry Christmas!!

Please vote and comment I really hope you like this story , its my first 5Sos one !

Thanks for reading and sorry if its a bit confusing, read on to see whtat happens next!! xxx


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