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The guys had just finished rehersal and I was doodling on the back of some old sheet music at Calum's mini bar.

"Did you send the cleats?" a deep voice asked me, bringing me away from my thoughts.

"What? Oh yeah I did. Hopefully she'll get them by Saturday." I replied, I was really out of it that day. I didnt sleep very much the past few days and had no idea why.

"Good, good. So listen, here, you know the way we were talking about Marvel Movies and The Amzing Spiderman the other day? I was thinking we should all go see it. The second one, like together." Ashton stuttered

"Tonight?" I asked "Yeah, I mean why not?" he replied putting his cajon back in its bag.

"Aw man, I dont think we can. Our parents have some rehearsal planning thing for their wedding." Michael replied 

"Really?? Are they finally gonna have the wedding?" Ashrton asked, very excited. Clearly he had been waiting quite a while for this wedding.

"We dont know really. They've been engaged forever so we think it will happen soon enough. Whenever they have the money I guess." Calum shrugged putting his bass in the case. 

"We'll try get out of it, I really wanna see that movie." Michael grinned, I knew from day one he was a big superhero fan. The day Luke auditioned was the first time I actually spoke to him, as apposed to just seeing him around school. Michael was wearing a Green Lantern shirt the day Luke auditioned, and I instantly liked him.

"We'll keep you posted." Calum smiled handing a pick back to Luke. 

"I think I can go." Luke responded, continuing plucking away at his acoustic.

"Cool so us three then, and maybe Mike and Cal." Ashton grinned with those dimples that could stop traffic.


I was walking on my way to the mall and saw Ashton sitting in Starbucks scrolling through his phone.

"Hey stranger." I  tapped him on his left shoulder and sat down on the stool to his right. Of course he fell for it and turned left. He giggled and turned right, he was facing me but still looking on his phone.

"Hey Cinder." "Whats craka-lackin?" I asked looking up at the menu, even though I pretty much had it memorized. 

"Cookie crumble Frappuccino, you?"  he replied sipping on his green straw. I noticed he was looking at his phone very closely, as if he was examining something. "Did you forget your contacts?" I asked ignoring his question.

"I ran out"  "What about your glasses, Irwin." "I have them here, mom. Don't worry." He giggled talking them out of his pocket. His giggle is too cute to handle.

I ordered  my drink and took out my phone to see if any of the guys had texted me-they hadn't.

"So whats new, Cinder?" "Thats a kick-ass last name.'Cinder' " Ashton interrupted himself

"Hah tha-" "Its like Cinderella" Ashton added taking another sip and still focusing on his phone. I must say, Cinderella did sound kind of precious in his accent.

"Awh I love this song." I spoke hearing 'Rockstar' come on. "Really? You like Nickelback?" Ashton nearly jumped, putting his phone in his back pocket.

"Whats that supposed to mean?"  "Well no, I mean. I just pictured you as more of an All Time Low, Imagine Dragons, type girl."  He swiveled on his stool

"Well yes, those are two of my favourite bands, but I like Nickelback too. Like yeah, Fall Out Boy and Arctic Monkeys are incredible but I do love a bit of The Stones and Chilies as well. You know?" 

"The Stones too?! Wow you're a lot cooler than I thought." He chuckled & bit his lip.

"Do you wanna go inside, the guys could be waiting for us there." I suggested, Starbucks is just outside the mall and about a thirty second walk to the cinema.


We were just about to buy the tickets when I got a text from Luke.

-From Luke, The tall one: *Hey Pidge, sorry I cant go to the movies :-( I have to help Annabelle with her work. I know. Sucksville, population: me. Have fun with the guys Xx *

"Oh well Luke's out, his step mum needs him" I sighed. Not an-Ugh im stuck with Ashton, Cal & Michael now- kind of sigh. More of  a -If that cunt thinks she can treat Luke like a slave then she's got another thing comin'-kind of sigh.

"I just got a text from Michael that says 'Sorry Ash but Me and Cal are bein dragged to this wedding planning thing with our parents :( tell the guys were sorry, have fun!' "  Ashton read his text out loud, "Aw man"

"I guess its just us two then" he smirked "Why are you smiling at me like that??"  "Just cause Arctic Monkeys are playing" he was right. R you mine was being played quietly through the speakers.

"R you miiinee?? I just want to knowww" he sang, probably too loud, but it made me laugh.

We got our tickets, I was determined to buy my own this time so Ashton wouldnt' insist. I felt really bad that he felt he had to pay for me on Monday. I know it was just a milkshake, but still.

I had just got my tickets when Ashton Walked up to me with two containers of popcorn and a side of nachos. 

"One for you" he handed me a popcorn without thinking "Dude, no. Cinema food is expensive." "Well you wouldn't let me pay for your ticket so I bought you food. Don't lie to me, Cinder. I can see that joy in your eyes." he waved the popcorn i my nose. He was so right.

"Come on, my Grandma always told me 'The way to any ones heart, is through their stomach."  "Get out!"  "What??" he asked extremely confused. "You want me to go??"  "No no, I mean. That's just what my Grandma used to say to me!" I laughed accepting the popcorn. "Haha that's crazy. Crazy Grandmas" he chuckled linking arms with me as we walked into the theatre. 


Ashton's Pov:

"Holy crap." I sighed walking out of the movie theatre "That. Was. Awesome." MJ agreed

"I wanna go see it again. Like 4 times"  "Haha same. It was phenomenal." we awed

"It was , Marvelous" I giggled, so unbelievably lame. "Yeah it-ohhh you didn't" she giggled "I did. I'm sorry" I snorted. Yep. Snorted. Real attractive, Irwin.


Laura's Pov:

"Ash, you really don't have to walk me home."  "But i want to, i don't want you getting mugged or murdered, or even worse! Bumping into Michael, or something" he giggled, again

"That's very sweet of you but you only live across the street" i replied "Yeah, how did we live so close all these years and we like never spoke. Thats crazy." 

"I guess we're just a couple of crazy kids." I stopped as we got to the front of my house "Guess you're right." he smiled and kissed my hand he had been holding "Goodnight, Cinderella" he turned around to cross the street 

"I told you not to call me that!" I shouted after him.

"Goodnight, Mary Jane!" he corrected himself

"That's even worse!" I protested

"Hey don't go losing any shoes or anything. That would just be an incredible  coincidence" he waved just before he entered his house.

I thought I might be getting a little too close with this Ashton kid.

I was right.


WHatt two updates in two days!? I know i know, hold the applause.



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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