Christmas Day

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Last night we went back to Luke's and had the house to ourselves, it was so good and of course, we watched 'Lady and The Tramp' and fell asleep snuggled up in his bed.

I woke up to the smell of bacon cooing and waffles being made. I Pulled on one of his jumpers and my slippers and wandered down to the kitchen, his dad and stepmonster weren't in the house which I was grateful for. I entered the kitchen and saw Luke making pancakes and waffles and bacon was already cooked and crispy. "Hey" his shining aqua eyes looking up at me with a perfect smile. I put my arms around his neck and his around my waist and I hugged him for ages "Hey" I finally spoke after attempting to give him some body heat, I was just in a nice warm bed whilst he was in a freezing kitchen in only a t-shirt and pyjama bottoms, how does he do that?!

"Merry Christmas" he spoke from his face being nuzzled in my neck "Merry Christmas" I giggled and we let go "so whats cookin', good lookin?" I ak looking at all the food "Iknew you'd say that, " he chuckled being familiar with our lame catch phrases "So whats shaken' bacon?" I laugh still looking for an answer "Well, waffles, pancakes, mochas, cranberry juice, bagels, & sausages" he smiled, Luke was an awesome cook. He was great at the cooking and I was good at the baking so we were a good team. We wanted to open up a restaurant when we were little, as you can tell we were so cool.

We brought the food up to his bedroom and watched Christmas movies and exchanged more presents. He got me the 'Estee lauder' make-up i'd been talking about, and I got him a football Jersey like the one on the team. It still had the 'California Bears' on the front but it had, 'Batman' on the back and the Batman symbol, where you would usually have your last name or something. It was pretty cool.

"Hey, you wanna go to mass?" Luke asked as we cleaned up the breakfast stuff. We went to Christmas mass nearly every year. We used to have to go and be made go by our parents when we were younger. But now they dont really care if we go to church or not. "Yeah, its tradition!" I spoke and Luke and I broke out into 'Tradition' from 'Fiddler on the roof', because again, we're just that cool. We walked to my house and  I got changed into some nice new clothes. I put on a wine skirt, a white flowy top, black knee socks , my beige boots from Marcus my new leaf necklace. I curled my hair did my make-up and I was ready to go.


We went to same church we used to go to as kids, not really listening of course. But we just saw it as an excuse to kind of calm down and just think. No one really expects anything of you, its very peaceful. You can sort out things in your head, stuff that's been driving you crazy, or just what you are going to wear on New Years eve. Its just kind of a slow down, a time out, a moment of silence. Or even have a one-on-one with the big man himself. Maybe ask him for a thing or two or even thank him. Like Luke's mum used to always say, (she was a pretty religious woman) 'God will only give you as much as you can handle' she had tons of useful words of wisdom, mainly not religious but it did help us a lot. Ugh I miss her. I said a small prayer for Liz in my head and in a matter of minutes, the mass was over and we saw a few people we knew and talked to them before we all had to rush of to get Christmas dinner ready. 

 We went back to Luke's and his dad had told him that he Annabelle was gone to visit her parents like normal but this time his dad wasn't going because of his Australian cousins that were coming over.

We were singing along to Christmas songs and making the dinner when the doorbell rang. A terrified expression went on Andrew's face. "They're early!"  he cried "Shit." Luke muttered  "They aren't supposed to be here for another 2 hours!!!" Andrew began to panic  "Don't worry, Andy. I got this."I wandered over to the door except when I opened it I didn't see their cousins, I saw our friends! Zoe, Joe, &  Marcus were stood there with warm  smiles and cold noses. "Guys!"  "Surprise!!" they all laughed and hugged me and ran into the house singing 'We wish you a merry Christmas'

I closed the door and walked into the kitchen seeing the Hemmings were so relieved it wasn't the cousins. "So what are you guys doing here??" I laughed "Well Luke told us you had family coming over and had to make a huge Christmas dinner, so before we went and had ours we thought we would help you make it!" Zoe cheered, high off Christmas, she loves this time of year.

We all worked away making the food and of course non-stop singing. Then the doorbell rang and this time it was their cousins.

Luke's dad Andrew greeted his brother Shaun at the door and introduced us all. "Luke & MJ this is Shaun, his wife Laurelle, his sons Troye, Tyde and their sister Sage. Guys this is Luke and MJ."   We shook hands and introduced ourselves. They were all really nice, Shaun looked very like Andrew but Luke's cousins looked nearly nothing like him.

We chatted to Luke's cousins for a while, they were really cool and so were their ascents. They kept asking me to say stuff in my Irish accent as did with theirs. Tyde asked why Luke calls me Laura and everyone else calls me MJ, to which we laughed because the amount of times we are asked that is ridiculous. Not because we are sick of answering the question, just because we are hardly ever asked.

We explained that on the first day of school after Luke ran up to me with my necklace I had just dropped without noticing (hence the  'giving me a necklace every holiday thing') It was my favourite necklace because I had brought it all they way from my home, Ireland. It was a small heart shaped locket with Shamrocks & leaves engraved all around it. It had some sand from my favourite beach in Dublin that I used to always go to, in it. And it would have been tragic if I lost it. He saw it on the ground and ran after me, then we started talking and made friends instantly. I still have the necklace to this day. 

 So when he caught up to me he asked for my name, as you do.  I said Mary-Jane. My full name. I then told him how I hated it and he said "Why don't you just get people to call, you MJ?" I thought It was genius and declared that as my name from then on. Then he asked me what my middle name was so he could call me that instead, because I didn't like my first name. I told him Laura was my middle name, so he then called me that. Forgetting he had already come up with the new name, MJ, for me only 2 minutes earlier.  So whenever anyone asks my name I say MJ, since it is my name. But Luke just calls me by my middle name. I know its confusing but just roll with it.

Then it was time for dinner and my dads came over. So did Luke's brother Jack and his girlfriend who I've grown close to over the years. We exchanged more gifts and banter then we had a Christmas party to go to, well two actually. First we went to some cousins and aunties and uncles then we had a friend Christmas party which we invited Troye to. The party was at Marcus' house and we all went meeting our friends and bringing gifts. It was a great night, it wasn't a crazy house party or anything but still a lot of fun, and we got on with Troye really well. I went back to Luke's and spent the night. It had been a good day, a very good Christmas. 

If only I knew what the new year would bring. If only I had a clue.


Heyyyyy! Im so sorry this took so long to update, I have my reasons. Please read on because its about to get dramatic!! :D Involving a certain 3 boys fro Australia. 10 points if you can guess who ;)

Oh and I know Troyes family are Jewish but I forgot so lets pretend! And please correct me if I got any of his family members or details incorrect, I tried my best. Let me know in the comments!

Thank you for reading, you're a sexy mofo and PLEASE COMMENT and VOTE!! Cheers! xx

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