Letter #7

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Dear Cassidy,

I don't know why I'm still writing to you. Or if you're even reading these.

I know that I haven't loved you for some years now.

I'm sorry, but I had to share my feelings.

I had to tell you all the things I never said. The things I should have said.

I loved you once. I loved you so much I could die from it. The feeling was so strong.

It's been several years since I've seen you. We've grown so very far apart. To far to even be friends, I think.

I still hear about you from time to time. I can still hear a song and think of you. Ironically the song is called 'Thinking of you'. How pitiful can I get.

But at least now. Now, I don't love you anymore.

It doesn't hurt to think of you anymore.

Do you even remember me?

Am I just a faint memory from days longs past?

It's okay. I wish I didn't remember.

- Rayna

Things I should have saidOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant