The Start of a Day

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Psst listen for the words "entire" and "crumble"
It is a beautiful bright morning in the Botsford home. Becky and TJ seem to be having some kind of conversation.
"I don't think she would do that" said Becky with a little bit of some monotone in her voice.
"And why not?" asked TJ, a little annoyed.
"I don't mean to crumble your hopes and dreams TJ but there's no way Wordgirl would ever spend a whole entire day with you. I mean, she fights crime almost everyday." said Becky.
"Then I guess I will spend time with her when she is is fighting crime!" TJ said confidently.
Becky's palm hit her face and she sighed.
Just then the doorbell rang. Becky went to open it and it was Violet.
"Hi Violet!" Becky said as she opened her arms to prepare for a hug.
"Becky!" Violet said as she then went in for Becky's hug.
"Hey Violet!" TJ said as he stood beside Becky. "Tell Becky that it is possible for Wordgirl to spend the entire day with me."
Violet giggled a little. After she found out Becky was really Wordgirl from catching her transforming on camera, not many things have changed. Of course it took time to get use to the fact that her best friend is also the super hero for the entire city but they always made their friendship work out after "starting over."
"I think it is possible and you never know..." Violet answered as she smiled at Becky.
"Haha see?!" boasted TJ.
Becky rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Well TJ I'm going over to Violets to hang out for a while."
TJ didn't really listen and zoomed off upstairs. Becky shrugged as her and Violet left the house and closed the door behind them.
"Meanwhile on the outskirts of town Mr. Big is planning something big today."
"Oh the beautiful city soon you will be mine! MWAHAHAHHA!"

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