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Back at Mr. Bigs penthouse lair
"Oh Leslie I did it I won! YIPEE!" Mr. Big cheered squishing one of his pink bunny ball.
"Yipee indeed sir" said Leslie without enthusiasm
Wordgirl and Huggy barged in one of his skyscraper windows.
"Hold it right there Mr. Big!" shouted Wordgirl
"Wordgirl." Mr. Big said calmly.
"Trying to do this evil plan without Dr. Two Brains aye? Well this shouldn't be hard."
"Oh drat I guess you did catch me Wordgirl." Mr. Big said sarcastically while pulling out a mic out of his pocket. Wordgirl zoomed and grabbed it out of his clutched and told the citizens to turn off their pins but no one listened.
"Huh?" she questioned.
Huggy looked just as puzzled as she did
Mr. Big laughed. "Looks like you can't tell them what to do this time Wordgirl." He said walk toward her. "Only I can." he grabbed the mic out of her hand.
"Minions! Seize Wordgirl and her hairy sidekick now!"
All of sudden citizens under mind control came busting through the door and charged for Wordgirl and Huggy. Wordgirl tried her best evading them but one of them grabbed her by the cape, pulled her down, and made her kneel, holding her hands behind her back. One of them held Huggy with tight grip. She tried to struggle but it was no use. She couldn't break out of their grasp.
"Well, well, well. Looks like this time the hero can't stop the villain." Mr Big said as he knelt down to her level. His face was very close to hers.
"Look around I got the entire city under my control!" Wordgirl looked around and saw her parents, Scoops, and even Violet all under mind control. Mr. Big grabs Wordgirl by the chin.
"Care to define the word entire?" he asks grinning. He releases her chin.
"It means a whole thing" Wordgirl said worryingly and then putting her head down.
"That's right. Now..." A minion gives him a bunny pin. "I hope you enjoyed the last word you are ever gonna define because I'm going to take over your entire brain."
"You won't get away with this!" Wordgirl said with anger.
"I already have" Mr. Big said and put the pin on her.
Is this the end of Wordgirl? Will Mr. Bigs plan fail?
Mr. Big pushes her pin but nothing happened. Puzzled he tried again and again. He repeatedly kept pushing it. Wordgirl grinned.
Mr. Big stood up. "Leslie! I thought these pins were suppose to work on humans and animals?"
"Sir.... Aren't you forgetting? Wordgirl isn't a human nor an animal she is an alien." she said
Mr. Big felt embarrassed. Of course! How could he forget that detail about Wordgirl? But he wasn't gonna let Wordgirl off the hook so easily.
"Looks like you failed Mr. Big. Called it as usual." Wordgirl proudly said
"Not quite." Mr. Big said deviously and turned to Huggies direction. He took the pin of Wordgirl and put it on Huggy.
"My mind control pins only work on humans and animals after all." He pushed the pin and ZAP Huggy was under mind control. Mr. Big ordered his minions to release him and Huggy went to join the crowd of mind controlled citizens.
"Huggy!" Wordgirl shouted. She felt so powerless to stop them and so alone. They were too strong. Mr. Big laughed. Isn't there anyone else who can save Wordgirl now? Mr. Big ordered everyone to go on the roof of his skyscraper. Mr. Big arrived first while his minions, still holding Wordgirl, followed by him. They threw her hard on the ground and surrounded her. Mr. Big went in the group and all his minions were gathered around them. Wordgirl looked helplessly around. Mr. Big walked toward her.
"Now isn't this a predicament? I'm gonna ask you this question and you better answer it." said Mr.Big as he grinned at the feeling defeated heroine. Wordgirl knew she could easily fly away but she didn't want Mr. Big to know that she was a coward. Plus, this may be the only chance to stop Mr. Big since it could be difficult to encounter him again.
"Your plan will crumble." said Wordgirl under her breath.
"I'm the one speaking." Mr. Big said, raising his voice. "Now here's my question. If I can't control your mind I can at least have you at my mercy. What is your secret identity?"
Wordgirl didn't say a word. She just gave Mr. Big an angry look.
Mr. Big chuckled a little. "Oh come on now Wordgirl. I really didn't want it to come down to this." he said while some minions grabbed Wordgirl again.
Wordgirl still didn't respond. Mr. Big looked around at his mind controlled minions. He then told one of them to come forward. Wordgirls eyes widened. His victim was Violet.
"Walk slowly towards the edge of the roof right here one step at a time" Mr. Big commanded.
"Yes Mr. Big." Violet mindlessly said.
She started walking towards the edge of the skyscraper very slowly. Wordgirl had panic in her eyes.
"I'm gonna ask you again." Mr. Big said strictly. "What is your secret identity?"
Violet was getting closer and closer to falling off the skyscraper. Tears started to fill Wordgirls eyes as she begged him to stop her. She kept struggling to break free but it was no use.
"Please! Don't!" she begged.
"It's a very simple question Wordgirl." Mr. Big said.
Violet had one more step to go in order to fall off the building.
"Stop!" Wordgirl cried. "You win."
Mr. Big smiled evilly and ordered Violet to stop.
"My secret identity is..." she began hesitantly.
Mr. Big was prepared to hear her answer. But just as Wordgirl was about to speak TJ barged in to distract the minions. Wordgirl smiled happily at him. The minions were distracted so Wordgirl broke free from their grasp. TJ ran away and out of the exit of the skyscraper and all the minions chased him. Mr. Big ordered Violet to take another step and she fell off. He walked passed Wordgirl to go back into his office inside.

Mr. Bigs Big Take OverWhere stories live. Discover now