Trouble Ahead

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Meanwhile at Violets house
Violet was painting a picture of a Pegasus while Becky watched
"And that is how I like to express the entire beauty of the Pegasus." Violet said, proudly.
"Wow Violet it's amazing!" Becky said as she walked closer to it for a better look.
"Now Becky, I will show you the entire beauty of a Unicorn." Violet said as she raised her paint brush.
Becky's eyes sparkled since that is one of her favourite mythical creatures. As she watched Violet, she had a weird feeling inside. The feeling was mixed with happiness and gratefulness. She thought to herself that she had such an amazing life. That feeling suddenly stopped when she heard with her super hearing that there were giant space rocks crashing down on earth! Now that Violet knows her secret she can finally tell the full truth on where she is going.
"Hey Violet I really hate to make this moment crumble but there is giant space rock heading to earth and I have to stop it or else..." explained Becky.
"Becky." Violet interrupted, "I understand. Go save the world!"
Becky smiled, transformed into Wordgirl but just as she was about to take off Violet told her to wait.
"What does crumble mean?" She asked.
Wordgirl gave her a big smile and said "Crumble just means to fall apart." And she flew off. Violet smiled as she flew with super speed off to the sky since she already knew what the word meant, she just wanted her to define a word before saying goodbye. As Violet looked in the sky she suddenly frowned. Now that she knows who Wordgirl really is, she can't see her getting hurt.

Up in space...
Wordgirl arrived in space and fought all the space rocks. Bam, pow, boom! All the space rocks were demolished just in time before it could even get near earth.

Back on earth...
Leslie started to follow Mr. Bigs order by finding one victim to put a bunny pin on. All the citizens would know it was one of Mr. Bigs evil plan again so she had to pick someone who has their guard down. She goes to the park and sees one person who she can easily get.... VIOLET! She went to the park and was staring at the sky waiting for her friend to return. Just then Leslie put the pin on Violet, activated it and has Violet under mind control. Leslie then gives her more pins and Violet puts pins on more citizens having them under mind control. Few moments later the whole city was under mind control. Mr. Big looked out his skyscraper window and cackled.
As Wordgirl flew back to earth, she noticed all the chaos. She gasps. She notices that each citizen are wearing those mind control bunny pins. Wordgirl knew she couldn't do this alone and needed the assistance from Captain Huggy Face. She flew to her house and into her window where Bob was lying down reading a book. Wordgirl tells him everything that's going on and he jumps into action. After he puts his costume on and is ready to go Wordgirl is about to take off out the window when TJ comes in. He is shocked to see his role model right in his house.
"WORDGIRL!" he exclaimed.
Wordgirl walked towards him. "Listen TJ, lock and don't answer the door. The whole city is under mind control. I'm gonna do everything I can to stop it alright?"
TJ understood what Wordgirl said but he was too shocked to speak. Wordgirl and Huggy flew out the window and into the sky. TJ then went to his room and stayed quiet. Normally this situation would be scary but he wasn't scared at all. He knew he can count on and have faith in Wordgirl!

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