Chapter 1: And The Day Begins

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Rossi and Hotch come walking into the office, seeing Prentiss, JJ, Garcia, Morgan, and Reid all gathered around. "Morgan I think Reid could possibly outshine you." JJ states.

"What? With these babies?" Morgan asks, flexing for the others.

"No one can beat my chocolate thunder." Garcia states.

"Pretty boy, might be a pretty but he sure ain't sexy." Morgan boosts.

"I mean muscles are nice and all but some girls like the scranny nerds." Prentiss states.

"You gotta be kidding me?" Morgan replies.

"Guys, I really don't see the point in all this." Reid jumps into the conversation.

"Not every girl wants a guy that over does his work outs." JJ states.

"Over does?" Morgan sounds horrified by that. "I don't over do my workouts." He protests.

"What is going on here?" Rossi finally jumps into the conversation, causing the others to jump.

"We heard of the murders that have been happening at the fashion shows recently." Garcia states, sounding a bit ashamed of herself.

"And that has to do with what?" Rossi asks, raising an eyebrow, questioning the earlier conversation still.

"Morgan started to boost about how he could easily become a model because of his muscles." Prentiss states.

"And why is Reid involved with this?" Hotch is next to ask.

"An example of what some women like." Prentiss answers again.

"I see. Well you are in luck, we are assigned the case." Hotch states. "Briefing room, now." He orders and takes the lead. The team follows close behind. Morgan and Reid last to follow.

"Lets go pretty boy, strut your stuff." He teases as he smacks Reids butt. Reid lets out a surprised sudden yelp. Morgan just chuckles then wraps his arm over Reids shoulders. "Just messing with you kid." He states as he lets go of him.

"Yeah, it always seems to be me." Reid replies as he fixes his hair and follows behind the group into the briefing room.

"You already heard what is going on so there is no need to fully brief you." Hotch states as he sets the files on the table.

"Fully brief?" Reid asks, confused.

"I'm assigning two of you to go undercover." Hotch clarifies.

"Who?" Garcia asks.

"Reid." Hotch starts.

"What?" Reid asks, looking actually surprised and horrified at the same time.

"Yeah. What?" Morgan asks, the same way as Reid.

"Well you fit what the story will be for you and your partner." Hotch explains.

"Who's my partner?" Reid asks.

"Morgan." Hotch answers and the group tries to hide their chuckles and grins.

"Okay well what is the story?" Morgan asks.

"You two are gay lovers and the replacements for the two models who were killed." Hotch explains. Garcia couldn't hold it in anymore, she squeeled like a fangirl. Prentiss and JJ lose it and burst out laughing. Reid looks at Morgan horrified and partly grossed out.

"No way." Morgan protests.

"You were the only two that they would take for the fashion show." Rossi explains. "The models that were killed were the gay males. They have enough women but need to male models. And since this unsubs victims seem to be gay male models than in order to draw him out you two need to pose as gay male models." He adds.

"I don't think I feel comfortable with this." Reid jumps in, looking at Hotch pleadingly.

"Nope, can't change it now. You two are officially the replacements." Hotch replies and hands them their files with their new identities.

"And weren't you the one who wanted to prove that you could be a better model anyways?" Rossi adds into the conversation.

"Rossi," Morgan starts up. "That was just smack talk, you know just for fun." He tries to explain.

"Well best to watch what you say." Rossi grins as he walks out of the briefing room.

"How long do we need to be undercover?" Morgan asks.

"Till we catch this unsub." Hotch answers. "I suggest changing and getting to your new place. Garcia took the liberty to pick clothes out for your characters." He explains.

"Baby girl, you knew about this?" Morgan asks.

"He called me last night and asked me to gather clothes for you so I went out and picked out some clothes." She explains. "Yes, I knew."

"What about you two?" Morgan asks, looking at Prentiss and JJ. They were still laughing so they both just nod their answers.

"Great." Morgan mumbles.

"Off you go." Hotch shoos them out of the office. "Remember to check in from time to time." He adds.

Morgan and Reid look at each other, both not so pleased with this case result so far. "I hope you know this won't change anything." Morgan states.

"Figured." Reid replies a bit quietly.

"Ugh! Let's just go." Morgan leads the way to his truck. They say nothing as they start their drive to their for now home.

When they arrive they take a long look at the outside of the apartment building. "He couldn't have given us a house?" Morgan asks, mostly to himself. 

"Models may make a lot of money, but they spend it mostly on clothes, and diet supplies to stay thin." Reid explains as he grabs his go bag and hops out of the truck. 

"Well you clearly don't need those diet supplies." Morgan jokes. 

"Umm, yeah?" Reid responds not knowing how to properly to respond. 

Reid takes the keys and unlocks the door, turning on the light to reveal white carpets, couch, chairs, and a balcony. "I can deal with this." Morgan comments. 

"Well hopefully we have our own rooms." Reid comments as he goes down the hall to look. "Morgan!" He calls out. Morgan sighs and walks over to where Reid is. 

"What?" He asks and sees what Reid is looking at. "One room and one bed..." Morgan looks to Reid. 

"I'll take the couch." Reid states. 

"No, you take the bed and I'll take the couch." Morgan insists.

"Uh, I umm okay." Reid looks away quickly, avoiding eye contact. "Thanks..."

"No problem, pretty boy." Morgan replies and walks back into the living room. 

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