#19-How He Gives You the Silent Treatment

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(You decide what you did to make them do this to you, I'm just writing their reactions)

Percy: He wishes he didn't have to ignore you, but how else were you going to learn? Every time you'd try to talk to him, he'd just stare at you with those sad green baby seal eyes, and you couldn't help but tear up at the sight of how miserable he looked.

Leo: Leo truly loved you so so much, it pained him more than anything to resort to the silent treatment. He'd jerk away when you'd try to touch him, avoid eye contact, even ate his meals in his cabin or Bunker 9 instead of the dining pavilion.

Jason: You were his little ball of happy sunshine. But he just couldn't stand to converse with you after what you had done/said. You didn't see him for days on end, which eventually turned into weeks, until you screamed at the sky, the gods even, to give Jason back. He forgave you soon after. 😉

Frank: He didn't stop talking to you altogether, but he would reply in flat monotone, not really caring how it affected you. He was normally so passionate around you, to see him like this, it truly broke your heart.

Nico: To not be talked to by Nico may be normal for other people, but for you, this was as abnormal as abnormal could get. If you got too close, he'd send a skeleton your way or a not-so-friendly hellhound to chase you off.

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