Without a voice to say "Sorry"

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It has been weeks and you were slowly healing, thanks to April and Casey. Right now you were looking the stars, thinking about how Raph went for Mona after every little thing that happened. You closed your eyes and started to cry, your shoulders shook as little puddles were made on the floor. You almost wanted to die.

"(Y/n)? Dudette, you ok?" Mikey watched you try to say 'no' in a raspy and hard to understand voice. "How about some pizza? That's cheers me up!" You shook your head and wiped your eyes before walking away.

You walked into the deck and took your normal seat to check readings. "Hey (y/n)..." You nodded 'hello' before flinching that is was Raph. "Listen... I'm sorry for what I did..." Raph wasn't even bothering to make you look at him, "I understand if you hate me or something... I get it. If anything, I deserve it." Raph his hand on your shoulder and whispered in your ear "I'm sorry."

You turned around as Raph left the deck, you sighed and went back to the readings before whispering in your raspy voice,

"Sorry that I'd tried..."

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