Baby Dun

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(y/n) pov) •5 months later•
I was now five months along, and in about a week, Josh and I would find out the gender of our beautiful baby.
   Speaking of Josh and I, we're getting married next month! Every morning, me would roll over and kiss my belly then kiss me, I found it quite adorable.

   "Babe. Babe. Babe. wAKE UP!" I screamed at Josh who was asleep. He stirred a bit and turned on his back. "Good morning, princess." he said. A slight pink flooded my cheeks and I pecked his lips. "Good morning, prince." I replied.
He slowly sat up and ran a hand through his vibrant red hair. I smiled at him and looked outside. The trees were swaying with the wind, and the sun was shining over the park where Josh found me.
"Hey, Josh. Look at this." I told him to look outside. "That's where we met." I said with a giggle. He smiled and nodded as he put a hand on my belly. "Hey kiddo," he spoke to the baby, "i'm your daddy and i'm going to take very good care of you. And whenever a guy likes you, they'll never find his body." he laughed at the end. "Josh, I love you." I said with a laugh.
"I love you more, sunshine." he replied. As he said that, I felt a small kick on the side of my belly. "Josh! The baby just kicked!" I said. He smiled brightly and put his hand on my belly. "I love you too, tiny." he said to the baby, who we nicknamed Tiny for the time being. A little bit after he said that, the baby kicked again.
"I'm so excited. We're gonna have a baby in 4 months!" he nearly screamed. "How are we still in bed?" I questioned. "Who knows." he replied. "Food?" I asked. He nodded quickly and slid off the bed.
I cautiously walked down the stairs towards the kitchen and smelled what was only Tyler's famous pancakes. "Hey!" he exclaimed. I laughed and waved towards him. "What's up with the kid?" he said and poked my belly. "Baby isn't really doing anything. But it did kick earlier.

He smiled widely and got back to cooking. "Where's Gen?" I asked him. "She went to the store to get some um... items..." he awkwardly told me. I understood after a moment of thought. "Period?" I asked. He nodded and blushed a tad pink.

After we are breakfast, we kind of just waited for Genesis to get home. "IM HOME!" she screamed as she walked through the door. "Hey." Josh, Tyler, and I all said in unison. Genesis smiled at us and walked upstairs. Then I noticed something, lately Genesis has only worn long sleeves. And it's mid June. Oh my god. She didn't. My mind was going in a thousand different directions at this point.
I sprinted up stairs and walked into her room. "Genesis?" I whispered more to myself. Then, I saw her. On the ground of the bathroom. With a blade. She pulled up her sleeve and that's when I opened the door all the way and ripped the blade from her shaking hands.

When I looked back down at her, she let out a horrid sob. "Please don't do this. Please. I can't lose my bestfriend. I can't." I kept whispering reassuring words to her as she cried relentlessly into my shoulder. I looked at her arms and saw cuts going from her wrist, all the way to the top of her forearm.

"Genesis please, I would be lost without you. You're my bestfriend, my world, my anchor, and your the reason why Tyler is alive. Josh would probably never speak to me again if Tyler were dead, and now, he has you to thank. Please, you are worth it, and beautiful, talented, amazing, kind, and absolutely perfect." I said to her.
Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she lifted her head. Her glistening green eyes broke my heart, mainly because when Genesis cries, it's out of pain. And she's strong, and I know that she deals with her demons, but she always overrides them.
"T-thank you." she whispered. "Your welcome, G."

and even if i thought everything would be okay, who knew so much would happen to ruin it all
Hey guys! Sorry that I haven't been updating lately, there's just so much going on and i haven't been able to update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and i will see you all in the next one! Bye, sunshines!! ❤️😁

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