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5:02 PM
It's getting more darker and darker nowadays during the early evening, which means the gangs can come out more earlier than they were expected to do.

Unfortunately, I have to go out with Larenz to pick up turkey and other ingredients for thanksgiving. Dee left a note for all the ingredients, Larenz will prolly run around with the Bloods and try to thrive me into his problems again.

Larenz came out with his red durag on his hair and walked out in the cold darkness. "Renz, you know there are crips around this area plus it's chilly outside." I told him as I put on my blue adidas coat and gray gloves as I walked out.

"It ain't all that cold, bye." Larenz spat.

"Fine, don't be coming inside the house with a case of pneumonia. Gassing the house up with your coughs." I warned as we walked to the store in the dark.

"Why is it so goddamn dark?" Renz complained.

"It's daylight savings, Renz. We're a hour behind time." I informed him.

"Huh?" He asked confused.

I sighed. "The clock says it's 5pm, but it's really 6pm." I told him.

"Ohhh, and when it's 6-"

"It's nighttime. That's why it's so dark." I told him.

We were infront of the market, and it's a surprise that there are barely any people rushing to get turkeys and other ingredients for thanksgiving all because of daylight savings and the gangs that are swiping in the night more earlier than we thought.

As we walked inside the market, I saw Eric holding a turkey and putting it on the shopping cart.

I walked up to him where the meat section was. "Hey, Eric." I greeted as he smiled.

"Ay, Nia. You doing the shopping too?" He asked me.

I nodded my head. "Yeah with Larenz als-" I turned around and I saw Larenz flirting with the market employee.

I rolled my eyes then later chuckled as I got my cart.

"Nigga a blood?" Eric questioned as he mean mugged him.

"Unfortunately, yes. He just got out of jail a week ago." I informed as I picked up the turkey which was insanely heavy.

"Lemme help you with that." He helped by putting the turkey on the cart.

"Thank you." I replied.

"But back to that Renz nigga, he know this block is full of crips right?" He asked me.

"I just told him that but Renz is that type of person who doesn't listen to anybody." I replied.

"So he's like me?" Eric commented.

I gave a small chuckle. "Kinda, like you, Both ruthless."

"So.....I heard that you and Tatyana broke up." I mentioned.

He continued to stroll his cart as he went to the sauce section. "Uh, yeah. She wasn't shit at all, to be honest. At first, she was cool, but during time being, she just became over dramatic, be coming to my house yelling and shit like, I had to cut her." He explained as he tried to reach for the tomato sauce by jumping up and down.

I laughed as he did that. "You want me to get the employee or something?" I questioned.

He kept jumping up until he finally got it. "Nah, I got it." He replied as he threw the tomato sauce to the cart and continued strolling.

I picked up some other ingredients from the sauce section also and adding them to the cart.

"So that's how you and Tatyana broke up?" I questioned.

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