Chapter 2 The Minecraftian

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Endra's P.O.V

Looking towards my iron bar window, my eyes darted over to the nether portal, carefully watching the movement of the pigmen as they guarded the purple door. Leaning my head back rapidly, I felt the back of my head slam against the cold, purple bricks.  I groaned, rubbing the bruise which had appeared. I laid down onto my bed, a loud sigh escaping my sore, dry lips. Slowly allowing my eyes to shut, I gave into entering the dreamworld, however, before I could arrive, a loud bang caused shock to explode inside of me, making me accidentally fall onto the floor. Jumping onto my feet, I heard screams of joy, fear, and pain attempt to deafen my ears while the door to my cell burst open.

Snapping my head towards the cracked door, my eyes rested on a young minecraftian, he looked as if he was sixteen, two years older then I was. He wore a midnight blue cloak  with the hood trying to cover up most of his hair, but a small amount of it hung out, hiding half of his glowing, aqua eye. When he had realized what type of creature I was, he formed a large droplet of water into his pale hand. As he began walking towards me, an idea popped up in my head - an idea which would help me escape. Whimpering, I backed up, allowing my back to hit the cold wall whilst I stared at him with a trembling lip and eyes filled with fear. Even if this pathetic plan was showing I seemed weak, it could possibly work, and anyways, I honestly didn't care, all I cared about was getting the hell out of this dimension and how these once stupid minecraftians became so much smarter.


Hello, sorry for the short chapter, I was busy writing about what would happen in this whole book, so I won't just be thinking of what would happen while I continue it. Well, this is all I've got to say, so, cya, and have a nice day.

Herobrine's Endery LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora