Chapter 4

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Chase's P.O.V

My eyes widened.

  "Are... are you... her?" I whispered quietly, voice trembling.

Sighing, she turned around, looking into my eyes, "Unfortunately, I am not, however-" she started.

Believing my predictions, I ran at the ender girl, grabbing her by the neck.

"YOU KILLED HER, YOU, YOU, YOU KILLED HER" I began, screaming into her face whilst sliding the sharp blade of my sword against her arm, "I SAW YOU THAT HORRID DAY, IT WAS YOU, WASN'T IT?!" 


 "You are cornered Rosie! You have no where to go!" I laughed, walking towards my beautiful girlfriend, feet sinking into the snow. We were playing tag, even if we were adults, we could still be kids for Christmas, right?

"Nooooo! Don't tag me!"Rose giggled, playing along and smiling brightly.  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her closer, kissing her lips gently as I felt her arms around my neck.

"Stay here, I need to go, get something, okay?" I said, taking a step back, her arms sliding off my neck as she nodded. Quite, excited, I darted into my home and up the stairs, nearly falling down as I did. After this, I ran into my room, tripping on a sharp object causing me to fall face first into my bed, as the item cut through my boot.

"What the hell, is this?"I muttered, picking it up then immediately dropping it, pulling my glove off and watching the blood roll down my pale, from the cold, hand. I groaned, throwing the object into a bin and reaching for a few bandages, beginning to wrap them around the wound, after that I completely forgot about it, it was probably a piece from Rosie's odd, "inventions" as she calls them.

Laughing, I shook my head, trying to ignore the pain as I grabbed a small, spruce box, opening it, and looking at a beautiful, golden ring which was covered in diamonds, completely made by me. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth, it wasn't damaged, even after James threw the thing into a tree.

It was a nightmare basically.

Anyways, shaking the thought of the drama out of my head, I shoved the box into a pocket, walking back down the stairs. And that's when,

her screams echoed through my head.

I didn't think twice, I ran, I ran back into the back yard, and saw the once pure, white snow, was red pure red, around the girl I loved, a sword sticking out her chest and her right arm's flesh completely ripped off along with her hand.

I froze, I couldn't move, I couldn't see, it was all, blurry, and as I looked into the background, lifting my head up, I saw a person, a monster staring daggers with their eyes, into my soul, digging it up, cutting it up, seeing the one I love dead.

I screamed, I ran, I ran pointing my sword at them, I didn't look back, I didn't know what I was doing, the anger, the anger had taken me over, running through my veins, my muscles, forcing me to run at that monster, to kill them, not caring of what they'd do to me, or what me murdering them would to do someone else. At that point, "kill" "kiLl" "KIlL" "KILL" that's all that rung through my ears, anything else which entered went out the other ear.

I thought, I would have at least, stabbed them, however, how could I attack if I couldn't see? All the emotions were being, thrown at me, BLINDING me, every time i attempted to attack it, the creature dodged, without effort as well, laughing at my failure, laughing at my pain. I couldn't save her, and I was beating myself already, so soon.

But why? I paused... I froze... I laughed.

This, caused the creature to loose it's concentration, off guard, I attacked, stabbing the blade of my sword into their right shoulder.

They didn't... they didn't flinch... 

Just laughed... Raising it's hand, sending me into the air and slamming me into the ground repeatedly. 

After a while, it eventually stopped, leaving me bleeding, in pain, on the inside, and out.

I watched as the creature walked away, and then I saw. I saw it's glowing, purple eyes, and large, dragon wings, as it spread them out, flying into the air.

My vision began to fade, the darkness taking over.

--------Memory over

Staring deep into my eyes, the ender girl sighed, looking away.

"...You, thought it was, me?...."  She whispered, as I froze. I could feel the pain in her voice breaking through my heart, it, couldn't have been her, that, monster, it, couldn't feel the way she can. 

She grabbed the blade of the sword, cutting through her skin as she pushed it away, her blood rolling down the iron.

I stood there, doing nothing, as she began to walk away.

She. Stopped. Her back, to me.

Shaking my head, I took back the control of my muscles, running at her, sword pointing towards her. I wasn't going to risk it, she, was probably the monster, taking on an act. A stupid act.

She'd probably move, move without effort like she did back then.

I was wrong.



O-oh... oh, you aren't? Alright ;-; I'll go ;-;

Aha, well here's the next chapter, took some effort xD

Also, they are still in the nether :/

Well done me -_-' Well, that's it, hope y'all enjoyed, see you later! :D

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