The Lone Wolf

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You know how some people will always say that fear is a powerful thing that you can use against someone to either control or bully those that that one person considers is weaker than them to get what they want.  Given enough power behind that bully and you can rule a whole town even a school with enough force and concentration someone can crush someone's will power rather quickly.   Especially when there is no one really ready to take a stand and say enough is enough to make a bully back off once more.

Without that one voice to say such, all hope can be lost...

For a lone town out in the middle of the wilderness, both occupied by both werewolf and humans a like, power is no longer set by your ability to be the strongest rather the people that have the most money while those that are just barely making by with little money are considered the Omegas of the pack. This usually meant that arranged marriages would happen pushing aside the soul mate subject each time leaving many heart broken ready to committ suicide because of the actions.

The weak become the slaves for the wealthy of the pack, doing what they can just to make sure that their children have a better life.  Life continued to get worse for the Omegas as the wealthy got fatter as many continued to pray for something to change everything that was happening.

If out of thin air, a lone wolf looking raggid trim and stern looking walked into town without a concern or a true history behind him.  At first appearance, people consider him as a rogue however the current Alpha finds him as no threat telling the figure that he is allowed to stay as long as he follows the pack rules.

Pretty soon it becomes clear that this new wolf is different than most

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