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A/N:  I added this music video to this as it made me remember that in the darkest of days you can always pray for that miracle in life and no matter how difficult the life that you live seems God is always listening and you don't have to be part of a church for him to listen and answer your prayers.  You just need to believe...Prologue

Mysterious Peron's POV

You know my mom always told me that a person going through some of the worse times of their lives, events in which they are in desperate need of a savior or a guardian angel to save them in their times in need.  That at times that when no one else is willing to help them, they would turn to god where they would pray for his help in any way that he could send their way.

Of course their prayers would be heard however the help that they ask for doesn't always come in time, yet it still comes maybe at the very last moment saving the person before anything bad can happen.  Yet it still left some doubting if god or guardian angels really existed considering everything that had happened.

 Letting out a sigh as I brush away a tear that had begun its travel down my cheek before returning to my journal entry, something that I had been doing lately a suggestion by my mom as she once explained it as a way to relate everything to my children when I met my own mate and we started a family of our own.  She said that it would be a way to keep the bright side of life brighter for them until life got better.

 At the time that she had told me about the very idea of a guardian angel coming into a person's life to make things better for a person or people in question seemed silly to me.  That was until I met Tycho Hunter...the one person that came into my town and changed everything for everyone.

 Before I begin with that day, let me tell you something about the town and people that find they living in the town which I will call a hell hole. 

 Situated in the mountain region of Oregon almost cut off from the world except for a couple of roads that were situated on either side of the town leading away either deal into the woods or through a canyon which seemed to engulf the road keeping it hidden from sight.  The town itself was about a medium in size just large enough to allow for a population of both human and werewolf to live side by side without any problems occurring between the two.  Situated in the middle of the town were mainly businesses (shops, stores, office buildings, restaurants, fast food joints, etc.) all ranging in size and height although none of them were large enough to make their presence known to those outside the valley.  On the outer portions of the town lay schools, elementary, middle and high school, to lower class houses which were tatter and looked like they were in need of desperate need of repair. 

 On the next set of buildings were buildings that looked even better in shape in which they didn't look like they were in disrepair although they didn't look like they were in any better shape than they could be.  Of course there were businesses that were dotted inside this ring mainly owned by middle class citizens, nothing to fancy just fancy enough where it could make someone feel more comfortable without feeling uncomfortable by their actual class there.

 On the outskirts of the town situated next to the forest and the mountain areas of the region, lay what many could actually imagine were the best homes for a werewolf family or pack because of their situation.  However that was barely the case here, instead stood several mansions and houses that put the houses that lay in the middle of the town to shame.  Nicely decorated with paint that showed off to the rest of the world of the people living inside while the actual buildings themselves looked like they could fit about 50 people comfortably inside without much problem.  Nevertheless that doesn't mean that many people inside, mostly 5 to 6 people with servants attending to their every needs and desires whatever they are.

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