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Jessica's POV

I ordered my pumpkin spice latte and we all sat down. Alex and Molly sat next to each other. They seemed to be getting on pretty well lately.

"We should do the bean boozled challenge," I suggested as it was quite boring. They all agreed and we went to walk down to the sweet shack.

I grabbed the bean boozled packet then asked someone to pay because I'm broke af. "I can pay I have like £50," Jason says taking out his wallet.
"Yasss sugar daddy," me and Lauren sat at the same time. Jason gives me £10 to pay for the sweets. We leave and sit at a park bench. We all took a few then Alex said he would down the rest of them for £5. We all agreed to pay him if he did it. He took a deep breath and they did it.

We all burst out laughing as he gagged at the taste in his mouth.
"I thought you couldn't eat Jelly beans with your braces," Molly said laughing.
"Shit!" Alex exclaiming spitting them out onto the floor. His breath smelt like dog food.

Lauren almost threw up. We decided to go to the park and play for a bit. Lauren, Liliana and I went on the swings, Kacper, Kayleigh and Jason went on the climbing frame and Molly and Alex just sat and talked. Kacper then came over and started to drag Alex around the floor.

"Oh my god stop Kacper," Molly said slapping him. Kacper stopped raising his hands up in defence. Molly help Alex up while the rest of us sat and laughed. Alex had a rip in his jeans now. We stayed at the park for an other hour before going and getting pizza.

I ordered 2 large pizzas and cookies also a litre of coke. After we got our food we went and sat down to eat. Kayleigh went to Poundland to get us paper cups. We saw this girl I knew and I went up and offered her a slice of pizza and nearly got attacked.

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