Chapter 1: The beginning

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I don't know what I did for him to be like this.... This overprotective, and possessive. But I like it when he is like this. I like it a lot more than I think I should.

He used to act like this before I moved out of town, and he stopped texting me while I was gone. But since I have been back he has been a mega sweetheart towards me.

Oh. I should probably introduce myself. I am Tara Anima Hope Luna Willow Maria Wolfia. I am 16 years old. My birthday is January 10th.

And I have 12 brothers.

First set of twins

Wes and Marcus

Then there is the first set of triplets, the trouble T's

Trey, Trenton, and Tyler.

Then the polar opposite twins

Kelab, and Seth.

Then there is second set of triplets, the "perfect" P's

Peter, Preston, and Paul.

And then the third set of triplets

Mason, Hyden, and than me.

I am the youngest out of all of us. It is a hassle but I can handle it. Being the youngest has its pros and cons.


I know all my brothers secrets

They are SUPER overprotective


I am treated like a princess

No dating allowed

Wes doesn't really like me, he never has. He hits me, and calls me violent names sometimes but it hasn't affected me for a couple years.

Well, now that THAT is over with. Back to your regularly scheduled program.

"Tara?! Are you there or am I talking to the empty body of my best friend?" My only friend who my brothers approve of, that wasn't originally one of their friends, Jay, screamed in my ear like she always does when I space out, which is a lot.

"Damn women. Quit screaming in my ear. You know I have very sensitive hearing." I said while glaring at her. She doesn't even flinch like normal people would because she is used to it. We have been best friends for 4 years now. She has heard all my threats and insults.

"Keep glaring, you know it ain't botherin' me any. Hasn't for awhile" She glares right back at me and smirks a little. I hit her shoulder and growl at her.

"Quit being a little me! I do not have a mini me, so you are not a mini me!" I glare and growl at her while she just smirks at me. "Hoe, stop it. I am being serious. I will fuck your face up."

"Ugh, fiinnneeee." She turns to walk into the high school and I follow behind, still glaring at her. I growl at some of the people who are looking at me like a freak. "T, you do know your wolf face is out, right?"

Oh, shiet. That is probably why they are looking at me like a freak. I do go to an ALL vampire highschool, with me being one of the only werewolves, it sucks ass. Everyone except for Jay and my brothers hate me, and I do not give a shiet. Everyone here pisses me off, them less than everyone else so I can handle her. Besides she is half werewolf, and they are full.

"HEY?! Quit spacing out, hoe." She hit me over the head. I glared harder at her.

Suddenly I hear a guy's voice yell across the loud, and crowded lobby and I instantly knew it was towards me.

"Sis, quit ignoring and glaring at her! She will come over here to us and leave you lonely!"

I turned my head to see it was the oldest of the set of triplets I am in, Hayden.

"Hay Day, butt out. This is none of your damn business. Go back to talking about football, and how many of the cheerleaders you have banged!"

I yell back at him and all the other people stop talking right away because they know what happens if you piss me off while I already had this tone in my voice. They all run away besides my friends and family, who all have a feeling I am going to need to talk to someone about this shit going on in my head.

"What's wrong, wolfy? You hardly ever use that voice or have your wolf face out for this long." Jay is always the one to confront me about this stuff because everyone else is scared of me.

Yes, all my brothers are scared of me because when I get like this no one can stop me from hurting someone, not even Jay. She just didn't know me when I was really violent like a real wild wolf.

"It's nothing, Jay! I just.... gotta go." I say before turning around and running away from all of them. Not caring if I hurt anyones feelings.

Why did it have to be this week?! Why couldn't it be next week or last week?! I hate when this happens.

I run out of the school before anyone could notice I left, and ran into the woods that are close to the school. My outfit helps with running in the woods.

My outfit consists of a jean button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows, black skinny jeans, dark brown combat boots, my hair is past my shoulders, curled with a beanie on. For accessories I have a big, black and silver ring, a pair of fake glasses, and my over the shoulder purse that has the british flag on the flap.

I don't look back once, knowing if I did it would just slow me down and that is not something I needed right now. If I did, I might just run back without a second thought, because I hate hurting their feelings like this.

Just so you know I am NOT on my period. Once a month, my wolf tries to come out more than usual over my heat week. All other she-wolves can control themselves during this week, and then there is me. I can't control my wolf as good as other werewolves. I don't know why I can't but it is tough sometimes.

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