Chapter 3: Mating Moon

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It has been 2 days since the tree house accident. My matting moon is today...... I am scared and nervous. I can not believe my 17th birthday is today! For females their mating moon is their 17th birthday, for males, it is their 14th birthday. DLA should have found his mate 3 years ago, but I guess she is not in our pack or hasn't had her mating moon yet. My big brothers are inviting unmated wolves from other packs. When it is an Alpha's child's or little siblings mating moon, unmated wolves come in from all around the world so the child can meet their mate, on their mating moon.

That means I only have until tonight to spend time with Derek before I meet my mate and my mate tries to keep me away from Derek. I won't let that happen tho. No one will keep me away from my Derek.

"Wait? Since when do I call him 'my Derek'? I barely ever call him his name..... I am just going to ignore it and hope for the best.

"WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP! WAKE UP. Mum and Auntie Wendy says we have to wait for you to get up before we can eat! We are hungry, auntie T. Pwease wake up. I... NO, WE! We are going to die if we don't eat something soon!" Natalia, aka. Nata is always a drama queen.


"Not until you promise to get up and come downstairs to eat breakfast so we can FINALLY eat." That boy did not just sass me. I am the sass queen in this pack, I will not be out-sassed by my 6-year-old nephew and niece.

"You two have 3 seconds to get out of my room or I will not come down until lunch. You two know I have snacks hidden in here."

"You wouldn't dare because papa and the boys will get cranky and hungry." She thinks I am scared of them? She just crossed her arms and is glaring at me.

"You think those buffoons scare me? I have a panic room just for things like this. 1. 2...." And that, ladies and gentleman of my mind, is how you get rid of two annoying 6-year-olds in under 5 seconds.

I guess it is time to get up... Hmm. What to wear what to wear. I know Marie and Wendy will make me change into a dress later today for the ball so I am already going to be tortured later tonight, might as well get dressed in a 'me' outfit.

I decided to wear black skinny jeans, a black flannel, my black tennis shoes, and I did my hair in a waterfall braid. I call this a 'me' outfit because it is dark, and easy to move in. The other girls like skin tight dresses or skirts, with 7-inch heels. No way in hell would I wear something like that unless forced to by violence.

I walk into my ensuite bathroom and turn on the shower, waiting for the water to become the right temperature. I hear a knock on my bedroom door, but I instantly notice that the person knocking isn't just any person, but it is Derek by the way he is using our secret emergency knock. I walk to my door in my towel because I already took off my clothes, when I open the door he is really aggravated? Or is he just annoyed? Either way, he pushes the door open the rest of the way for him to walk in. He slams the door closed and pulls me into an embrace.

"What is wrong? Are you okay?" I am worried because normally he is perfectly fine waiting for a minute or two it takes me to get from my bathroom to my door. He just hugs me tighter while grunting.

I only hug him trying to calm him down. I know he won't be talking for a little while. Something happened and he is in a bad mood. I blame the boys.

He grunts and holds me tighter, not knowing what to do I hold him just as tightly.

"Derek, I need to shower. I am in nothing but a towel right now." As soon as I said the towel comment he lets go, mumbling apologies.

"It is fine, handsome. I am going to get in the shower, you can stay here and watch tv, or go hang out with the boys." He goes over to my bed and plops down, grabbing my pillow, closing his eyes and yawning. I giggle at him and go back to the bathroom and get in the shower.

After finishing my shower I go out to my room to see Natalia, and Ryker drawing on his face, and back.

"What are you two doing?" They scream when they heard me, which wakes Derek up. They run out of my room screaming for their parent, while I hear everyone chuckling downstairs.

Derek looks at the markers on the bed next to him, looks at me, and then rushes to the bathroom to look in a mirror. All the while I am laughing at what they drew on him.

"Natalia Stella! Ryker Astro! When I find you two I will beat your arses!" Derek yells throughout the house while glaring at his reflection.

"Calm down, handsome. It is only a mustache and glasses, we can get it off." I go get a hand towel and put some soap on it. I run it under warm water while running my hands over it, getting the soap to bubble up. I walk towards him and I gently grab his face in one of my hands. I rub gently, not wanting to hurt him, on the skin where there is black marker.

"Ow ow ow... OW!! It hurts, beautiful." He was whining and whimpering.

"Quit being such a baby, Derek. Are you trying to tell me that you are able to be tackled full force by an 180-pound werewolf but can't have your face scrubbed to get marker off? That is a little pathetic if you ask me." He glares at me while mumbling under his breath about how bad of a best friend I am. "If I was a horrible best friend I would be making you get this shiet off by yourself. You would have used cold water, and no soap, making it to where you would have to scrub until your skin was red raw to get this stuff off. Everyone knows I am the smarter one of out of us two. I know how to get permanent marker off skin without rubbing skin raw." Sometimes I wonder how we even became friends, then I look at his face and the thought is immediately erased out of my mind.

He has always known how to calm me down, how to push my buttons, but he doesn't do it enough to make me leave hm. He is caring, and gentle with me but also forceful and has an aura of power surrounding him. Most people say we act like boyfriend and girlfriend, others say we act like siblings. I don't know which makes me happier. I most of the time ignore everyone, but when it is just me and him I see what they were talking about.

"OW! Tara, stop!" As soon as I heard him scream I come out of lala land to see I scrubbed a little t hard.

"I am so sorry, handsome! I wasn't paying attention, and I guess I spaced out for a little bit." I lower my head in embarrassment that I spaced out while trying to get the sharpie off his face.  

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