Chapter 2: My escape

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I reach my hiding place after a couple minutes of running. It was a clearing with big pond and waterfall, with a cave behind the waterfall. It also has a treehouse in one of the trees on the forest line. There is only one person who knows about this place, but he isn't going to bring everyone else here. This is my place and the only place I can get away from everyone.

He only found it because he was going to run away and be a rouge, but I talked him out of it. We have been best friends since then. That was 10 years ago. He was 7 and I was 6. I knew who he was when I first met him, He is the Beta's son, but Beta Ethan died a couple days before he tried to run away. His mum had to take over as Beta until he is the age to where he can be Beta. He only has a couple months until he is the new Beta. He is 17, but his 18th birthday is in 2 months. That is the day he is going to become the Beta to my eldest brothers. Neither of my parents are alive, my mum died by a rouge attack while protecting me, and my dad killed himself after he felt her die. I watched rouges rip her limbs apart and then rip her head off. After they did that they ate her, all because she was the Alpha's mate.

I climb up the rope ladder to my treehouse, my dad built for me when I first found this place when I was a pup. I look out the window and stare at the sun rays reflecting off of the lake and waterfall. I shake my head to clear it of the thoughts I am having right now. Sometimes I wonder why I even run when I know they are going to find me sooner or later.

I hear a noise of footfalls, over to the left, which is the opposite way of the school so I know it isn't the boys or Jay. I jump down and get in my fighting stance waiting for someone to jump out and attack me. I jump when I see him, Derek Lukas Ashton King, my best friend, besides Jay. I have no idea why the boys haven't tried to get him to show them where I am at. He is breathing heavily so I know he was running which isn't always a good thing when it comes to him.

"What is going on DLA? Why did you run here? Were the boys following you?" I start rambling, like usual, until he puts his hand over my mouth to stop me from talking.

"Take a deep breath, beautiful. I don't know what is going on, I ran here so I can make sure that you are safe, and I don't think your brothers were following me." He looks at me with his amused smirk. Once he takes his hand off of my mouth, I close my eyes and take a deep breath like he said. I cover my face with my hands and I sit on the ground and continue to take a couple deep breaths.

"I am good now, DLA. You know how I get when you run." I look up at him with my bangs in front of my right eye. I take one more deep breath and get up off the ground.

"I know, I just wanted to get to you faster so I could make sure you are safe. You know how I hate you being in the woods alone. There could be rouges out here who want to kill a pretty little thing like you." He look at me with a serious expression on his face, one he only gets when it comes to my safety.

I giggle at him and wrap my arms around his neck for a hug. He instantly wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my in tightly while I just lay my face in his neck with my eyes closed. His hugs have always calmed me down, even when I am in the midst of a panic attack, he is the one who can calm me down to where I can get myself out of it or he can help me out of it.

He lays his head down on top of mine and closes his eyes, breathing heavily like I was his life support at the moment. He does this alot when it is just me and him, alone somewhere. He sometimes needs reassurance that I am alive and safe in his arms. He doesn't like the thought of me in danger and him not being able to help save me. He is always worried about me since I can't control my wolf or my scent.

I have been working on it but it is still really hard to control her. She makes me shift if I get too mad or too heartbroken or even too happy.

He takes another deep breath then starts to take his arms off of my waist and I take that as a hint that he doesn't want to hug anymore so I take my arms off of his neck but he grabs my hips making me stay in front of him so he can look me over for any injuries.

When he sees that I am not injured he pulls me into another embrace where he picks me up to were my legs were wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck, almost like he was carrying a child or an intimate partner, but to us, it was just us being us. Him being overprotective and over possessive, and me being shy and childish.

"Beautiful, how are you feeling today?" He starts climbing up the rope ladder with me holding onto him like a monkey. He is always concerned with my feelings because if I get out of control my wolf will take control.

"I am a little scared but other then that I am okie, darling." I look up at him and admire his features with a small smile on my face. He keeps sneaking glances at me and smirks when he sees that I am looking at him. I look at his chest with a blush coming up onto my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing, beautiful? You are allowed to look at me. I just liked the look of love and adoration in your eyes." He gets up the rope ladder and walks over to the only wall without a window.

He sits down with his back against the wall, and me in his lap facing him. I was still not looking at him so he lifted my chin with his thumb and pointer finger so I am looking at him in the eyes. I look at him with an emotionless face so he couldn't figure out what I was thinking about.

He looks at me with a puzzled look, and his arms tightened around my waist. He buried his face in my neck and he just keep inhaling my scent and he keeps tightening his arms around my waist.

"D-DL-DLA. T-To-Too. T-Ti-Tig-Tigh-Tight. C-Ca-Can-Can't. B-Br-Bre-Brea-Breat-Breath." He immediately loosened his arms from around my waist. And he had a sad look on his face and his eyes were tearing up.

"I am so so so so sorry, beautiful. I didn't mean to hug you that tight. I swear I didn't. Could you ever forgive me, my love?" He looked like a love sick puppy.

"Derek Lukas Ashton King. I could never be mad at you just because you hugged me too tight. There are only a few things that would make me extremely mad at you, and not being able to breath because of a hug isn't one of them." I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him.

Sometimes he can really ruffle my fur. He needs to learn that I will forgive him for pretty much anything.

"Tara, your mating moon is coming up, right? What would happen to us if you find your mate? I can't lose m.... You. I wouldn't be able to live without you in my life" He start to get teary eyed and pouts, like he does when he thinks he is about to lose me.

I lean into his arms and lean my head onto his shoulder. I kiss his neck to try to calm him down, it sometimes works but not this time. It makes him more upset.

"Your lips aren't going to be mine anymore... You are going to find your mate and completely forget about me. I am going to lose someone that means more to me than life itself."

He is about to cry, huh oh. I can not deal with his tears, his tears make me cry. No no no no. I have to make him stop crying.

"Honey, I could never forget you. EVER! Even if I find my mate this Monday, I will let him know straight up that me and you are best friends and that he can never change that. And that if he thinks he would be able to, he is going to get a rude awakening. No one will take you away from me, or vice versa. We are best friends, forever and always. Not even death will separate us. I swear if someone tries they are going to get a knife to the dick, or a knife to the tit. No one will take you away from me, ever. I don't care how many times we fight, or argue, I am not going to lose you like I lost my parents. I can't lose someone that important again. I won't lose someone that important to me again. I will die fighting to keep you in my life. I DON'T CARE WHAT OTHERS HAVE TO SAY!! No one is going to take you away. NO ONE!" He can tell I am in a bad mood because I am sitting up, with my arms crossed and glaring at him full force.

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