3. WWE Performance Centre

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"I so need a workout again" I said to Seth, as we sat in his car making our way to the WWE performance centre.

"Yeah I know you've put on some weight, are you pregnant." I knew he had this cheeky smile on his face without even having to look at him.

I hit against his shoulder and gave him an angry look. But that idiot kept on smiling at me.

We arrived at the performance centre, took our gym bags and went inside.

Inside Seth and my ways separated. We always went to the gym together, but we didn't do our workouts together, mostly because I was just doing it to keep in shape and Seth, well he was just working out to extreme for me.

If I would try to do what he was doing every single day, I would give up after just 5 minutes.

I took my towel out of my bag and stored my bag in a locker. After that I made my way to the bike machine to do some cycling for warming up.

I sat down, plugged my headphones into my phone and played my workout music.

After 40 minutes on the bike I made my way to do some muscle training.

As I was working on my arms someone tapped on my shoulder and I got a massive fright. I always played my music loud during workouts, to kind of drift into my own little world and the last thing I expected was someone to interrupt me.

I pulled one of my headphones out of my ears and looked up while I was trying to get my heart to beat normally again.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you. I thought you had heard me before." A familiar Irish accent started saying as my eyes looked back into his blue eyes.

Immediately I didn't feel angry anymore about someone interrupting my workout.

"Nah your fine, just gave me a little fright." I said and had a little smile on my face. He smiled back at me. Shortly after, he started looking at the floor as if he was unsure what to do or to say.

"So, what's up, why did you interrupt me?" I asked after waiting for him to do or say something that explained why he had interrupted me.

"Oh well ew I just saw you there and thought I'd say hi, and well introduce myself as I didn't have the chance last time." He mumbled still looking at the floor. He then looked up into my face and smiled again. "I'm Finn, Finn Balor, I work here at NXT." He smiled and didn't seem unsure anymore. Obviously, he found his self-confidence again.

"Well hey Finn, I'm Kayley, Kayley Rollins, and I work as an announcer/ commentator for WWE. " I smiled.

"Rollins? So, your Seths sister?" His eyes were widened a bit, as if he was surprised about this information.

"Yeah I'm his twin sister." I said smiling a bit.

"Must be amazing having a top-class wrestler as a brother." Finn replied, and I laughed sarcastically. "Not as amazing as you might think."

"I'm sorry, wrong topic?" - "Nah it's just, i always get that reaction when people find out I'm his sister, and after a while -well no offense -but it can be quite annoying."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I feel bad now." Finn replied but I just made a hand sign meaning it was okay.

"So, well I'll better not keep you from your workout any longer." Finn then said.

"Don't worry, it was nice to meet you, and I guess I'll see you around." I smiled.

"I hope so" he smiled back before he turned around and left me.

I don't know what it was but something about him was quite attractive and made me like him.

I guess it had something great about working for WWE. Not only was I working for a company and a sport that I loved since I was little, but I was also surrounded by good looking guys nearly 24/7.

"What did he want?" My brothers voice pulled me back from my thoughts.
If there just wasn't my brother around me 24/7 as well who would make flirting so difficult if even impossible.

"We bumped into each other in the hallways the other day and he just used the chance to introduce himself to me properly." I said without even looking at me.

"Was he flirting with you? If he does come to close to you I'll ..." and that's where I cut him off. "Seth please, we were just talking, he didn't flirt with me, and even if he did It wouldn't matter."

"Yes, it would, you're the new girl, they probably already have bets about who gets you first or something like that. I just don't want you being hurt."

"Your paranoid Seth." I grabbed my towel and wanted to go back to the locker. Seths overprotectiveness was already annoying me, and I didn't even have the job for a week yet.

"Where are you going?" I could hear Seth.
"Away from you and your nonsense" I said and went to my locker. I took my bag and went to the showers to get ready.

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