20. Beach

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Finn and I had found a nice spot, got the towels from our bags and placed them on the ground.

I sat on my towel and took some sun cream out of my bag. I always had luck with getting sunburned easy.

"Could you do my back?" I asked Finn while handing him the sun cream.

"Sure" He put some of the cream on his hands and then started massaging it in to my skin.

I got goose bumps when he massaged the cream into my neck. "Wow, that's really good Finn." I didn't have to look at him to know that he was smiling. "Thanks" he said with a shy ton.

After Finn was finished with my back, I did his, but as I wasn't good at massaging it was just rubbing it on.

I got my Sun glasses out of my bag, put them on and then lay down on my towel.

I saw Finn lying down as well and turned my head his way.
"So, we've been talking about me and my love life all day, what about yours?"

I smiled a bit and waited for an answer.

"Oh well you know there's not much to talk about. A hand full of girlfriends now and then but nothing serious so far, I mean at least not that serious that I wanted to get married or anything. It's not that easy keeping someone when your job is traveling around a lot. Most women I meat just can't handle it. And I couldn't imagine being with someone from the same business I think that could just cause to much trouble you know."

I nodded. "Sure, but somewhere there is someone that will be able to handle it; I mean I know myself it wasn't easy at the beginning with Sami and I, but we got through it and I was able to except that he just had to travel all the time. And you'll find someone like that to."

Finn nodded and then looked up into the sky for a moment before looking back at me. "Can I ask you something else?"


"You and Sami were already separated when you went for the job for WWE right?"

I nodded.

"So why did you go for that job? I mean you surely must have known that you would see him all the time, that you would travel with him and all, did you just not care about it, or was there maybe even a part in you that wanted to be near him again?"

I listened to his words and thought about them for a while. I had never thought about it like that. I sat back up, pulled my knees to my body and rested my arms around my legs staring out at the waves.

" To be honest I never thought about it like that. It was just, I had a pretty hard time when I broke up with Sami, I had to move back in with my parents which wasn't easy, I had ... well let's call it a falling out with my old boss, So I lost my job. The only person keeping me going back then was my brother, I guess I just wanted to have a fresh start and be around Seth more. He has always been there for me, and I knew I would feel better being around him more often. So that's why I went for the job, I never really thought about the Sami part until I actually saw him on the plane... "

Finn stood up and gave me a hand to help me up as well. "I'm sorry, I know you just wanted a nice day, and here's me bringing up everything that obviously put you through a lot of pain."

I looked up at him and smiled a bit. "You know what? It's okay, it really is. There's not a lot of people I can actually talk to about this, and the people I do talk to are somehow involved in everything, so it's nice to talk to someone who's not involved for a change." I said before taking his hand and standing up.

Finn smiled. He tugged a strand of hair behind my ear and his fingertips slightly touched my cheek. My body covered up in goose bumps again and I could feel my heart beating faster.

Finn cleared his throat and then looked down. "Eh so you wanna go in to the water?"

I needed a moment for my heart to get to a normal beating again. "Yeah sure" Finn smiled and went towards the water. I slowly followed him, my thoughts being far away.

What the hell was that, the last time I had goose bumps like that was when Sami first touched me. The last time my heart was beating so fast was when he asked me If I wanted to marry him or when we first kissed.

Could it be that I was starting to have feelings for Finn? Impossible, we had just met A few days ago, no one could have feelings this fast.

I didn't know what was going on, but it couldn't be feelings.

Finn had reached the water and looked over at me; "are you coming or what?" He smiled. I started walking faster, and then ran past Finn in to the water. It was cold at first, but my body got used to the temperature fast.

I ran out until I couldn't stand anymore and then swam out a bit further. I lay on my back and just let the water carry me a bit.

Finn catched up, fast and just swam next to me.

"This is nice, I haven't done this in a while, I had almost forgot how much I loved it."

Finn smiled. "I'm glad i could make you feel good."

Finn and I stayed in the water for a while. At first, we just swam around a bit but then we started splashing each other with water, making a proper war out of it.

At the end we started doing wrestling moves on each other.

After a while we left the water noticing that it had gotten late.

The sun was slowly setting as we got back to our towels. There weren't many people left at the beach.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body.

"We should probably get going." Finn then said after a while and I nodded. As it was still warm, my bikini was mostly dry, so I could just put on my pants and tank top. I stuffed my other things in to my bag and looked at Finn to see if he was ready.

Finn had his bag in his hands and was looking at the ocean. "Isn't it great?"

I looked at the ocean and saw what he meant. The sun had nearly disappeared leaving the sky and water shining in a red tone.

"It's beautiful." I said and stood next to Finn. "What a perfect moment, to be a part of."

"Not quite perfect yet." Finn said. I looked at him and catched him looking at me.

"What do you mean?"
"I mean it could be more perfect."
"And how's that?"

Finn put his hand on my waist and softly pulled me against his body. Before I could say anything, I could feel his hand on my cheek while he was leaning in to kiss me.

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