7. Meeting again

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"Kayley open up, I know he's in there!!" I could hear my brother knocking at the door. Kevin and I looked at our phones and Kevin started smiling.

"Shit. " I said and went to the door.

I put an innocent smile on my face as i opened the door. "Seth, what a surprise to see you here." I said as he stormed in the room, ignoring my words.

"You. -" he started saying and stopped. "Oh. Hey Owens." He said and greeted him with a handshake."

I gave Kevin his 20 bugs before I sat down again.

"What are you guys doing here?" Seth asked and looked confused.

"Well Kevin and i were catching up on some stuff, then Finn came to bring me my gym bag which I forgot in his car and I invited him to stay, and now your here so do you want to join us? Maybe we could ask Roman and Dean to come over and make it a party?" The last part I Said sarcastically.

Seth rolled his eyes. "And what's the part with the money?" Seth said and helped himself to a drink out of my mini bar.

"Well Finn told me he had to ask Ambrose for my room number, so Kevin and I bet about how long it would take you to come to my room." I said, "could you have not waited another 10 minutes?" I asked acting disappointed.

"I'm sorry, i thought you two were alone... and w-"

I interrupted him. "Even if we would have been alone it wouldn't have giving you the right to just storm up here and be mad."

I said and emptied my drink.

Seth looked at Me, I could see he wanted to say something, but he kept his mouth shut. Obviously, he didn't want to have an argument in front of the other guys.

We sat together for about another hour, before the guys finally decided to leave.

I shut the door after they left and happily threw myself into my bed.


"Kayley open up!!" Someone was hammering against my room door.

Annoyed I lifted myself out of my bed and went to open the door. "What?" I moaned

"Why aren't you ready? The bus is leaving in 15 minutes!"

My brother stood in front of me and showed me the time on his phone. My eyes widened and all of a sudden, I was wide awake.

"Shit I overslept." Quickly I ran back in the room to my suitcase. I grabbed the first trousers I could find and the next best matching shirt and ran into the bathroom. I quickly got dressed.

I tied my hair up, so it didn't look such a mess and quickly brushed my teeth. I packed all my stuff in the bathroom and went back into the room.

Seth was packing the rest of my stuff into my suitcase, which luckily, I nearly finished packing last night.

We closed the suitcase, I grabbed my jacket put it on, took my phone and my charger and shoved it into my handbag.

I looked around one more time to see if I forgot something, but I couldn't see anything, so I told Seth we could go. He left the room as I looked around one last time.

This time I saw a little piece of paper lying on the floor. I grabbed it and looked at it. I had to smile and shoved it in to the pocket of my trousers before i finally left the room.

Seth and I just made it to the bus that would bring us and all the other wrestlers to the airport. We sat down in one of the back seats, in front of us Roman and Dean and behind us Kevin and Chris Jericho.

The bus drove us to the airport. As we arrived we made our way through the check in area and shortly after it was already time to board on to the plain.

As we walked into the airplane I looked for my seat that was on my boarding card. As I arrived in the row my seat was in i looked down at the seats and saw Sami sitting at the window. My seat was supposed to be in the middle.

This had to be a bad dream. Seth who was standing behind me looked at Zayn and I could see the anger in his face. He switched his boarding card with mine and sat down between us. I knew how much he hated him after what he did to me, so I was very thankful that he did that for me.

Sami looked up from his phone as Seth sat down and had a chocked expression on his face. After he looked at Seth he looked at me and looked even more chocked.

"Kayley...-" he was just whispering but I could hear him clearly.

"Don't even think about Talking to her Zayn!"

Seth starred at him in anger. But Sami didn't even notice, because he couldn't take his eyes of me.

I could see pain in his eyes. And he could probably see the same in mine.

I sat down and starred at my hands, to not look at Sami. I could still feel his eyes on me and I started to feel very uncomfortable.

Kevin walked past us to get to his seat and as he saw who was sitting in my row he stopped, not caring that everyone behind him had to wait.

"You wanna swap seats?" He asked and looked over at Zayn.

I looked at him. "Thanks Kev but I'm okay. Besides I can't let Seth alone with him."

Kevin nodded and went on to get to his seat.

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