Donni... The Concert Loving Bestfriend

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READERS SWAGGY POV::: Pretend That Kurt Cobain is still alive and Nirvana is still playing:::

Well life is actually going pretty good. Ha, ha as if. If you believe that getting robbed on your way to school is good then you need some help. Some thugs in clown masks stole my laptop that the school lent me. Wonderful... They tore my backpack and ripped my shirt on the sleeve a little when they tried to yank the backpack from my shoulders... They didn't take my phone or my tablet but no they took the old and beaten up laptop... the stupidity of people never stops amazing me. 

I rushed the last few blocks to school. I usually wouldn't rush but there are only 2 days of school left. I made it just on time to 1st period. This is the only class I like. Music. Well that isn't entirely true... I like Art, kind of. The teacher is a bitch but whatever. My music teacher is 800 years old though. She took attendance and gave us all a smirk. We don't call her by her actual name. She insists we call her Grandma. I don't mind. I never knew my grandparents on either side of the family. She actually treats me like I am one of her grand kids. She stood from her desk and moved to the front of the room. 

"So kids I am sorry to say this but I am retiring this year... I wanted to stay one more year seeing that you all are juniors. You guys have been my students since pre-kindergarten. I have learned so much about you all. You all became my grand kids, I never had any grand kids and i wont have any..." I saw a sorrow in her eyes I had never seen before. I ate lunch with grandma everyday, because I didn't really enjoy the people I had to sit with... Who am I kidding I sit alone. I have one friend named Donni and he is over in Germany as an exchange student... YEY! 

"I have bought a gift for you all. They all cost a lot but you deserve it. Don't even bother to try to do anything in return... I wont except it if it costs you guys anything." Grandma had always loved me a bit more then my peers. She loved how I could play the guitar and sing. She loved that I would keep her company during lunch. She would surprise me by taking me out to lunch sometimes. 

She grabbed a leather bag that must have held our gifts, I was reluctant to take something that cost her a lot. She handed out necklaces and a purse. She gave one boy a skateboard. Then she reached me. She opened her bag and handed me a envelope with my name written in beautiful calligraphy. I slowly opened the envelope trying not to tear her writing. Inside were to VIP concert tickets to Nirvana, She then set a monster on my desk. I luaghed at what the clerk must have thought seeing Grandma buying a monster. Then she did what I never thought would have happened. She grabbed the guitar I had always played for her. She put it int my hands. 

"(Y/N), This was my guitar back in the days of when I played music, you may know of the band I played in." She gave me smirk and started to hum a tune. I recognized the theme almost immediately. 

"NO WAY, you are Joan Jett! Oh My God I loved your music! Thank You so much this means a lot." I stood up and hugged grandma. She hugged back, she started to cry. How hadn't I noticed before. She wore clothes that Joan Jett wore in her younger years. 

"Well children I have to leave for a meeting. I wish I could stay and chat but this is an important meeting. Tomorrow we will talk and have fun on our last day together." I felt tears role down my cheek. 

>time skip to lunch<

I took my lunch and dumped it in the trash only saving an apple from the plate. Potatoes and gravy is nasty. I ran to my locker and grabbed the monster and the guitar. I kept the tickets zipped and stuck in my pocket. I pushed open the door to her class room and saw Grandma sitting at her desk. Her face gloomy. She saw me and a smile spread across her face. I giggled and walked over to her. 

"Grandma, I want to play you a song. I want to play a Nirvana song for you." I opened the case for the thousandth time. This time I felt like I was touching something priceless and fragile. 

"Dearest, read the letter before the concert. Follow what it says and keep it close to your heart and read it when your down... I knew you were special when I first saw you march into my classroom. Your Dark and Rock and Roll appearance."

"Thanks Grandma... One final thing could you give me and autograph."

"Sure, want me to do it on a pece of paper, she opened her desk drawer but stopped her. Can you write it on my fore arm. I want to have it tattooed. I want to have it forever."

"Of, Course dearest."


I had the guitar and the letter in my hand as marched my to the gate. Sat down on the fence and I opened the letter.


          Dearest (Y/N),

 Walk to the back of the Concert Grounds and knock on the back door 4 times then say "Joan." They know you are coming. You are to tour with them though bring a friend. I love you as if you were my own. Remember to be yourself. Kurt will love you, I just know it.

                                                                                                                      Love, Grandma Joan

I got a text from Donni just after closing up the letter and putting it inside my jacket. 


Y- Nothing, I am only at a Nirvana Concert rn. Wish you were here :(

D- Well, I wish I could be there, I miss you lots and I think I like you



Strange, I straightened out my jacket and moved my hair out of my eyes. I stood from the fence and I walked to the door that apparently Nirvana was behind. I did as she asked and the door opened. I spent time with Nirvana before hand. I played a few songs and they asked me to go with them on tour! During the concert I was upfront enjoying the music when I noticed a boy next to me. He was dancing and singing along. He seemed familiar. Wait, I tapped on his shoulder he turned to me it was Donni. He saw me and gave me a huge hug. 

"(Y/N) hey I have missed you so much." He had a light pink tint on his cheeks. 

"Yo, how are you here." I was confused and shocked by how he was here.

"Grandma gave me a regular ticket and said to find you here in the front row. But you have changed your hair color since I had seen you last."

I giggled he was such a doof. I took the spare ticket out of my pocket and gave it to him. 

"Wait, is that a tour pass. I could kiss you." He started blushing after saying that.

"Well maybe you should." I smirked and we drew closer until our lips touched it was the best feeling. 


OKAY! So this is a 1,500 word update! 

My boyfriend Caleb broke up with me when he learned more about my Schizophrenia. Another girl that goes to my school is Schizophrenic so we met for lunch and we are gonna start and awareness program at our school for mental illness and other things that people need to learn about. 

This break up wasn't as tough because he was very self centered. We fought a lot after we got back from the school trip. He didn't truly know what my disorder was until I told him. Raymond and I are still on good terms but I am uber friend zoned  XD

I am taking applications for a new boyfriend. Write you name age and tell some stuff about yourself... NAH! I am just kidding. But don't worry we broke up a few days ago and I am fine with him leaving he was toxic. 

You all should be happy about him leaving it means you get my Love all to yourselves. 

ANYWAY! Love Yall SOOO Fucking much,


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