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Someone said that its wrong of me to say that I've changed... Well guess what; I don't fucking give two shits about what you or anyone else has to say. I'm sick and tired of always being the person who gets hurt, so if anyone even dares to fucking cross me in any way shape or form; I will NOT hesitate to call you out.

I've changed for a fucking reason; sure the old me comes out every once and awhile but other than that I'm not the same fucking Selena everyone on her knew.

I'm angry all the time now, I'm constantly being hurt by people who I thought cared for me. I don't care if I hurt people's feelings by saying this; even if you're my friend on here, do NOT mess with me. Maybe it's for the better that I'm like this now; maybe I was always supposed to be like this. Who knows?

If anyone even thinks about crossing me; you'll have another thing coming for you. I don't care if I know you on here or if you're my fucking best friend on here; DO NOT FUCKING PISS ME OFF OR MESS WITH ME!

I'm sure you've all noticed how I don't really respond to anyone or I've been distancing myself; well it for a fucking reason. Everyone needs to stop thinking that they know me; fuck off!

You that person that told me it's wrong of me to say I changed; why don't you go fuck yourself. If I fucking hurt your feelings, I honestly don't give a fuck. You have no right to tell me what to fucking do, okay? So, why don't you stop trying to think that you can tell me what to do; when you're probably some 11 year old who's a little bitch that likes to start shit with others.

Everyone just needs to stop assuming things about me, saying shit about me, and fucking saying that I've changed. I know I've changed, and I like the new me 😈


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