13. To Figure It Out pt 1

281 12 3

27 December
Stevie's PoV

Link had brought me to the old studio downstairs and locked us in. "Why are we here?" I ask. "Because I needed to talk to someone in private." He stated. "Did it have to be me?" I ask. "Yes."

"Okay, shoot." "Well.." He starts. "I think I'm falling out of love with my wife and I don't know what to do. I tried to tell her and I panicked, so she's a bit suspicious but.." He sighs and puts his head in his hands while sitting on the couch.

"Is it because you're falling in love with someone else?" I try to help. "Maybe, I don't know but I've been feeling really weird around one of my friends lately." He sighs.

"Is it your best friend?" I ask. "What? No!" I stare deeply into his eyes. "Maybe.." He whines. "But he's married and I'm married!-"

"When did you start getting these feelings?" I interrupted him. "I had them in college, before we were married. I thought if I ignored them and pushed deep in the back of my mind, they'd go but ever since the start of season 10 they came back.." He started pacing around.

"Link, you gotta tell him." I say. He turns around and stares at me with disbelief. "No! I can't tell him! It would destroy Good Mythical Morning! It would destroy our friendship! He'd think I'm crazy! He'd think I'm a freak! You're not supposed to be in love with your best friend! You're supposed to be in love with your soulmate!" He rambled.

"What if he was destined to be your soulmate? And you were destined to be his?" I ask. "Okay, please don't talk about him as if he's dead, present tense please. And also then why would we have met our wives? Or got married or have kids?" He put his head back into his hands.

"Maybe when you realised your destiny, it was too late.. But you could still tell him.." I mumbled. His eyes went wide and he looked up at me.

"But wouldn't he kill me, if he happens to not feel the same?" He asked. He wouldn't kill you, he's your best friend!"

"Yeah, but-" "No buts, just go!" I interrupted him and push towards the door. "Okay, okay!"

Link's PoV

I'm scared to tell him. I don't know if I should.

*** a few months later *** 14th February

It was late at night and I was the only one left, all the crew and Rhett were gone home. I was still thinking how to tell Rhett that I'm in love with him, I had already told my wife and she divorced me, but I still get to see my kids every second day.

I randomly started singing one of our songs.

"I've crushed cans,
and I've crushed gravel
and I crushed grama's leg in the door of a catalac. (She walks with a limp, but she learned her lesson.)

Now I'm crushing on you, Babe,
Like the granny anters of a store bought hecysack. (You know how a hecysack has that *crushing sound* in it)

I drunk a beverage with crushed ice,
and it was nice,
But not nearly as nice as what one night with you might be like.

I'd like to crush you,
under the weight of my Love.
Brushing up against you is like,
touching an electric Dove.

I've crushed dirt claws with my boots,
and boxes after I moved,
but what I wouldn't do,
for a 30 second convo with you.

I'd show my collection of civil war prosthetics,
and tell you you a secret, and never regret it,
like I've got a subdermel arm, that the doctors can't explain.
(I think you might regret that.)

I take your hand and place in mine,
not the subdermel one, but the one outside,
and then give you a manicure and grab the other hand,
and start the process over again.

I'd like to crush you,
under the weight of my Love.
Brushing up against you is like,
touching an electric Dove.

I'd like to bulldoze the barriers between your heart and mine.
I'd like back co a ditch,
then call the gas company ahead of time,
and by call the gas company, I mean call you.
What's your number?"

I actually started laughing and then ran into the man set and took one of the guitars off of the wall. I comfortably sat down cross legged on the couch and started strumming a random tune.

Then I made a song.

"Time's been ticking,
hearts are runnin'.
Think that Cupid's
up to somethin'.

You ask me how I feel,
I say nothing.
But lately colours seem so bright,
the stars light up the night.
I'm ignoring all the signs.

Yea, I stay bluffing.
Keep ya wonderin',
keep ya hunting for my lovin',
cause I crave us hugging.
Yea I stay stubborn,
cause I can't admit that you got all the strings
and know just how to tug 'em.

I think I'm in Looooove again. (You're in my head, yea you're in my head)
I didn't think it could truuue,
let alone that would be youuu.
I think I'm in Looooove again.

I'm trying hard to trust you when you say 'give me a hand'.
Ba-by I'm falling, I hope you catch me when I laaaaaand!

I think I'm in Looooove again. (You're in my head, yea you're in my head)
I didn't think it could be truuue,
let alone that it would be youuu.
I think I'm in Looooove again.-"

I was interrupted.

"What do you mean again? Aren't you in Love with your wife Link?"

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