3- Fear

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A/N This is just a short filler, the next chapter will have a lot of action and you will finally meet Gabriele! Enjoy though. :)

I looked down at my mother’s lifeless body her still face gazing up with me with a shocked expression. I kicked her with my foot, her body rolled side to side, stilling in place.

She was gone.

Why did the thought fill me with satisfaction? I had killed my own mother and yet here I stood pleased at the handiwork. I was glad that her voice would no longer call to me; no longer spout its venomous poison.

I felt free in a way I hadn’t in a long time. The ties between us had been severed and I could walk out this door any time I felt like and know that I could keep on walking down the street and out of this God forsaken town without her voice calling back to me, her spindly finger waving me back.

I guess the strangest thing is that I still loved her. Maybe that sounds ridiculous to some of you, Hell, it even sounds ridiculous to me but...she had been my mother once, she had once loved me...at least that’s what I like to believe. None of my memories of my childhood were what you’d call happy, but before the diagnosis, before the voices, things had been better. There would be these rare moments where she would turn to me, this vile woman, and she’d do something completely out of character that would make me stare up at her in shock and completely rethink my impression of her. In those rare moments I could believe that she had a heart and that I had managed to wiggle my way into it.

But now she was dead, and what was once satisfaction has turned into a slow guilt, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The voices had gone.

There was just me standing here now, my head completely empty, and a dead mother staring up at me. It was hard to look in those eyes and not see myself as some sort of monster. I was a monster; the things I have done in the last few days prove that.

I sighed, a heavy sound that carried with it the weight of the world. I was so focused on the dead women before me, on the atrocity I had committed that behind me the door squeaked silently open without me noticing; the neighbour, Mr. Willsboro creeping up behind me where I stood still over death’s carcass.

“Skylar?” I whirled around, only to face a stunned Mr. Willsboro, eyeing my dead mother.

“It isn’t what it looks like Mr. Willsboro” although it was.

“You” he stated pointing a trembling finger at me “Stay right there, I’m going to call the police” Unfortunately I had no intention of doing so. I had spent my whole life in a metaphorical cell and I wasn’t about to start living in a real one.

“I’m sorry Mr. Willsboro but I can’t do that” and with that I turned around and left.

“You fucking freak! She was right about you, your mother, you really are a disturbed S.O.B” he called after me but I was already in my room stuffing clothes into an old worn backpack and sneaking the money I had hidden under my bed into one of the side pockets.

After everything was in order I hopped out the window dropping to my knees on the wet grass below. In the distance I could hear sirens as they approached the house their mindless screeching a torrent of sound to my otherwise silent mind. Considering that I was now a murderer, a killer, I was surprisingly calm, I lacked the panic I should have felt. I would like to say that I was just in shock, but I wasn’t, I wasn’t numb either...I was cold. Just like my mother’s heart.

“Where did he go?” I heard one of the Police say from the front of the house.

...Anywhere, but here.

I shuffled my backpack on my shoulders and began to creep silently away, I wasn’t afraid of getting caught oddly, I know I should have been, but fact was everyone in this town hated me and sooner or later they would have found an excuse to put me away either in handcuffs or a straight jacket.

I’m not entirely sure which is better.

Okay...so where do I go from here exactly? I peeked over the hedge I had hidden behind and could see more police gathering at my door. Great, in a few more minutes the whole town would be on alert.

We know where to go...

Oh so now you come back? Alright then...lead the way I replied absently, almost jokingly. But as soon as  the words escaped me I felt a wave, a pull come over me, and I found myself heading in a certain direction, and while my entire body was confused my feet were quite sure of themselves as they lead me swiftly away.

The entire town had fled their houses in search of me; I could hear the distant call of freak muttered under their breaths. Funny, how not one person called out my name but rather used expletives or insults to attract my attention.

Within a few minutes I had walked out of the towns limits, the voices were a distant chorus behind me an echo of a past I didn’t want intruding on my future. And I would have a future, I would change my name, change my life, but I would never allow myself to go back. For once in my pitiful existence I was going to be someone other than Skylar the freak.

I just didn’t know who I was going to be.

But despite my inner thoughts my feet just trudged on, the voices were a hum in the back of my head, present, but blissfully silent.

Eventually we came to the cemetery, the stones swayed slightly with the passing of time, none stood straight...I guess even the strongest waver.

My feet kept walking, leading me to the stone building up ahead with an entire family of dead inside of it. I was surprised to find my arm opening the tightly sealed door, the old stone sliding harshly against the ground. Inside was dark and riddled with cobwebs the dust fluttering in the rays of light.

“Where are you taking me?” I pondered.


I walked to the center coffin, my hand pushing against the lid sliding it off.

“Okay what the Hell?” I questioned, beginning to question my own sanity seriously. But my body moved of its own accord stepping into the coffin where old bones greeted me. But as I pulled the coffin lid back on, panic bubbling inside of me, the ground beneath me opened up. I startled as I fell, I tumbled down a flight of stairs each step bruising my body.

When I reached the bottom I looked up to find the opening closed, and another stair case before me, walking up it I was greeted with darkness and a moon shinning above me tinted red in the fading light.

Where the Hell am I? I questioned as I looked around.

You’re Home.

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