chapter 10

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A/N if you guys are wondering why Al is not in this story, it's because I just don't like him, at all, sorry if you do like him. AND leave a messege on my messege board if you have ideas for a new story that you would like me to write, it has to be Modern day AU though, I love writing it, it could be Divergent or thg, any one.

disclimer: I dont own Divergent, Veronica Roth does (duh)(:

Tris's pov

I struggle against the urge to just go up to Tobias, and hug him, and talk to him, just like we always did.

As he was about to go into his house again, he looks back at me again, and smiles. I felt my cheeks burning up, so i go inside.

I go up to my room and lay on my bed.

should I open it now? I guess. My parents were out on a buisness trip, I know, during Christmas? sucks. Usually we open our presents as a family, always did, this is the first year they weren't home for Christmas, and that kinda sucked, but what was worse was that I couldn't spend time with my friends, this is also the first Christmas I wouldn't be with my friends and I feel so alone.

I take off the ribbon that was tied around this box and slowly, and carefully, open it.  I gasp.

Its a ring. Its simple, just silver with '4+6' engraved neatly on the inside. It's perfect.

I want to be angry right now, I want to be mad at Tobias because what he did was unforgiveable. He lied to me, he was playing me along, just to break my heart, I thought he was my friend. But right now, i'm not mad, he gave me this ring didn't he? he told Uriah and Zeke he really liked me that day at the mall, didn't he?  why am I blaming him? why am I blaming everyone else? why was I mad at Uriah when he was probably drunk when he gave Tobias that dare. And everyone else, they probably just wanted to help me, they didn't want me to get hurt, I understand now, but i should've understood ages ago. 

I know they're all not talking to eachother, I even overheard Tobias talking to Zeke the other day, he said he threw the trophie, and it broke, but Zeke, who should've been mad, enraged, just nodded distintly. At lunch, I watch them out of the corner of my eye, they never talk,  usually just stare at thier plates or the table, the only one actually had the guts to look at me is Tobias.

During classes, it's quiet. Apperently a few students saw my outburst at the mall and word spread quickly, the halls have been more quiet when I get there, some people stare with pity on thier faces. I just ignore them, if theres something i don't need, it's pity.

I have to fix this, I want my friends back, I want things to go back to the way they used to be. I want Tobias back as a friend, even as  just a friend, even though I know I have strong feeling for him.

I slip the ring onto my finger and grab my phone. I am going to fix this. My finger type quickly on the screen

To: Tobias, Christina, Uriah, Zeke, Lynn, Marlene, Shauna, Lauren, & Will

Christmas dinner at my house? I wanna keep this tradition on, and i miss you guys... please come,

From: Tris Prior

 Tobias's pov

She wants us to come over for a christmas dinner? why? is she messing with us? seeing if we'll actually show up? just to prank us when we get there?

I shake my head, she would never do that. 


I check my phone

From: Zeke

you going? 

To: Zeke

I guess

From: Zeke

k. we'll be there in ten

I shut off my phone and quickly get dressed to jeans and a plain black v-neck. nobody answered Tris's text, 

I text everyone else telling them i'm going and they reply saying they are too.

I slip out of the house, just to slip right back in. Marcus is on a business trip, so I don't have to worry about him stopping me from going next door. 

I run up the stairs to my room and slip my  ring in to my pocket, hopefully she's wearing hers. Lauren's at the mall, and she told me she's bying a cake for desert, so she should be here any minute.

I go out of my house, just to see everyone's car pulling up.

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