Short Story: I did it for you Janelle

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Guys, this is a note from future me... but please don't be silent readers... I want to know what you think about this because silent readers make me think that my story is probably bad and that is why no one comments. Plus, if you don't comment, I really have no idea how to improve it.... Thanks in advance! XX Saanvi


This story is a bit graphic, and about serial killers, so beware if you don't like gore. Otherwise, Enjoy!


"Mr. Thompson, we need you to be truthful with us right now." Agent Redding advised. The man in front of him didn't respond, he just sat there, not blinking. 

"We have a lie detector, and I'm sorry but we must use it."

 Lies. Redding was sorry for nothing. The man sitting in front of him had taken someone's parent, someone's love, someone's brother or sister. He shuddered, remembering the bodies, with the skin of their faces carved off, lying on the pavement, a mess of tissues and blood. Redding gulped he had to be strong. 

This came with the job; he knew what he was signing up for. The other cases hadn't bothered him. Why was this one then? Maybe... it was...because of Janelle. 

"Janelle" he croaked. He gasped a little for breath, then realized where he was. That atrocious beast was still in the room with him. He couldn't appear weak, he wouldn't. Bedside's he was getting distracted, no good would come from remembering those bloody bodies, specifically... Janelle's.

 He gulped again, overcome with the urge to sob his heart out. It should've been him. Not her. It should've been him. He shook his head again; he mustn't get distracted. 

"Mr. Thompson? I mentioned that I was going to use a lie detector." Redding calmly echoed his words again. He was anything but calm, but he couldn't show weakness to this monster. He looked back at the man, no no, the beast. Nothing. The man in front of him didn't even move.

Suddenly something inside Redding snapped. He couldn't take it anymore! How long would he live with this torture! Janelle was gone, those people were gone. Gone! He remembered everything vividly, the bittersweet smell of blood, a repulsing mess of blood and tissue everywhere. And this man! Who ended everything was sitting right in front of him, indifferent to the lives he's ruined! 

"He deserves to die a painful death, just like the one he gave Janelle!" a voice in Redding's head whispered vindictively. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Thompson. Yes, he would look good with his face carved off, he would look good dead. Redding killed Thompson that night. Killed him the way Thompson had killed Janelle. 

He felt an immense satisfaction as he ended Thompson. 

Suddenly, with a start Redding woke up, breathing hard. That dream, it took place 5 years ago. It reminded him of his cause. That night had just been the start of Redding's killing spree's. He'd gone on to kill many serial killers. This was now his job now. Just a few hours ago he'd killed a psychopath who kidnapped little children to replace the child he'd lost in an accident. He then killed the children and carved his sons initials on the kid's am. 

The case had puzzled the police and the FBI, but Redding had solved it. He kidnapped the Psychopath himself and made him confess. Then he carved the skin of his face off, and also carved the Psychopath's sons initials on the dead killer's arm. He remembered it all vividly. 

"I did well, didn't I, Janelle? I served those children justice. You love children, I know. I did it for you. I do all of these for you." Redding smiled, remembering and talking, but there was no one in the room to talk too. It was alright, though. He knew Janelle was there, she was always there with him. Satisfied, he fell asleep. It had been a good day all in all. Justice had been served.

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