Short Story + Book Idea: Ace's Distraction

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Okay, so I've made this kind of intro to a story, and it could function on it's own as a short story but I really have some ideas to continue it, so read it and tell me if you guys like it!


I didn't know what to do because I was so bored. Bored out of mind. I sat in class, completely indifferent to what the teacher was droning on and on about. I would ace the test anyway. I would just pull a all-nighter on the day before the test. Not that anyone would be happy about that, especially not me on the night before I took the test. But current me was happy. Current me was so, so happy not to be paying attention in class and just sitting there. Suddenly I heard my name being called. I turned my head from side to side, confused. What was that deep masculine voice? I wondered. "Psst, Natalie." the voice said again. I frowned and turned my head to beside me. Suddenly, I realized Ace Lahar was talking to me. THE Ace freaking Lahar. Oh my lord, oh my lord, how did that god know my name? And what the hell did he want me to do? Deep inside, I knew I would do anything he asked me to do because I'm a weirdo and come on, he knew how to make a girl weak in the knees. But did I really need another heart-breaker in my life right now? I really didn't know.... I remembered James. How he'd acted so sweet and angelic, when in truth he was nothing short of a cheating, lying, two-faced son of a---

"What the actual hell Natalie? I want you to talk to me. NOW." Ace whispered dangerously. "I'm bored, come on now. Little Miss. Goody Two-Shoes Cheer-leading captain can help me out of my boredom can't she?" he said.

My eyes opened wide and I stuttered, "M-m-e?"
Yeah good job Nat. Screw it up and seem insane in front of probably the hottest guy you've ever seen and ever will. Dylan O'Brien included.

Stop it, stop it

You cannot think of your crushes freaking brother is hot. You cannot. YOU CANNOT! Ugh, why was I thinking so much about him?

"Yes, you." He replies, smirking and jolting me out of my thoughts. I blinked, confused. "Welllll, what do you want to do?" I asked him.

"Hmm, two truths and a lie?" he asks sarcastically.

"Yeah, since we totally don't have anything better to do." I reply equally as sarcastic.

"Wow." He murmurs leaning in close to me, so close I can smell his minty aftershave and the remnant of those disgusting expensive cigarettes he smokes. I always thought that I would never find a man who smokes attractive. Oh, how wrong I was. I was way more than attracted to this guy, this mystery in front of me. Somehow the smell of cigarettes just... worked with his skin.

"What?" I asked self-conscious.

"Little Miss. Goody Two-Shoes isn't actually that goody after all." He whispers.

"I-" I begin to reply..

"Miss. Gray and Mr. Lahar! Stop the flirting and pay attention." Our teacher, Ms. Thorn barked.

I flushed in embarrassment and my eyes immediately going to where my friends, Jason sat with Lauren at the front. Ms. Thorn had cruelly decided to separate me and my friends in this class. Hmph.

However, beside me, Ace just casually smirked and threw his big arm around my shoulders and said. "Well, Ms. Thorn, the thing is, baby doll over here," he said gesturing to me, "doesn't want to be seen with me in public because she's afraid her sporty and perfect friends will judge her. Therefore, I am confined to the back of our classroom to even interact with my doll, who I would do anything for, even get in trouble." He ended somberly.

I was too much in shock to say anything but Ms. Thorn was immediately softened by the charming and velvety smooth tone of Ace's voice. She looked at him sympathetically and glared at me. I gulped and she said, "Come meet me after class, Ms. Grey"

I could feel the whole classes eyes on me, including my friends, and I realized there was nothing I could do but comply.

As soon as Ms. Thorn turned back to the board and everyone took their eyes off me, I turned to Ace with a seething glare. "What was that for?!" I questioned.

"Relax doll, it was my distraction." He murmured, stroking my cheek with the soft pad of his thumb.

Distraction? Oh, yeah. Good job Natalie you've officially become Ace's distraction.

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