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(The song is flesh, the lyric video is made by Ozone, give the person a like for the awesone lyric video) The song explained the whole story... but if you still wanted the imagination going, proceed reading.. tq...

It is set in the mid 50's. Apologize if the music choice is not suitable for the time/era but we will go along with it.

As the cold night breazes, rain droplets formed in most of the rooftops in LA from the harsh rain from the nights before, a single dark haired bartender named Mark Edward. Ironic for a bartender, he even didn't drink alcohol for a start. He walked along the side of the road. Kicking the pebbles, whistling and wandering around he soon found a man. With greyish hair and cloak, the man soon grin to him, showing his fangs. The greyish haired man dashed toward Mark and plant those fangs into Mark's neck sucking those sweet tasting blood.

"Stop it fool, I'll die of you kept doing this! Now stop, before I hit you with my shoe, you... you..  twat! " The greyish haired man ignored Mark as he sucked harder and harder. Mark started to lose consciousness from the blood loss. Before he colapsed to the ground. He pull of his shoe and hit the man with it until those fangs came off. "Human... Stop it... Urghh... Okay I'll stop... I'm hungry okay! Why won't you let me full first? THEN I'll let you go!?" As those dripping blood fangs finally off from Mark's neck.

"Oh, by the way, the name is Sean... Or Jack.. Which ever you prefer... But I like Jack more... And oh? Vampire I am..." Jack bowed upon Mark as took his hat off. Mark looked upset and soon leave. "By the way, your name?" As Jack shouted from the distance. "Mark! Mark Edward..." Jack soon shouted again "Okay... We will met again?" No answer and Mark soon gone further and further and nearing his house.

"Stupid vampire, now there is a nasty thing appeared upon my neck! Urgh! Gross! Great... It won't came off easily..." As Mark try to rub it off in front of his mirror in his room. A bat like creature now looking at him from the his window. Mark stayed in a low class apartment near the city bar. Those flappy sound from Jack's wings alerted Mark.

Mark soon opened the window and saw those same blue eyes from before "You again! Shuu... Go away.. I'm tired of you.. Of work! Now scram! Go away!" As Mark tried to chase away the bat like creature, Jack still flap his wings and stay there. Mark where upset once again. He pulled the wings and drag it into his room.

"Human... I mean Mark... Thanks for letting me in... May I?" As Jack approaches Mark. Mark covered his neck with both of his hands and holding Jack againts the wall with his leg as Jack struggling to bite Mark. "No! I won't allow you to bite me! Besides? Don't you have your own food?" Jack soon calm again and replied "Well... Animal blood is not as good anymore.. Besides..  Yours is way sweeter..." As Jack reaches Mark's neck.

Jack teases Mark as he might bite but no. He actually licked the bitten part. That act maked Mark goose bumps and tingling. Mark grabbed Jack by the hair and asked "What is that for?" Jack soon stare straight to his eyes and said "To cure the bruise I make..." As Jack said that the bitten marks soon gone. "Thanks.. now can you go... I had work tommorow... Goodnight!" As Mark turn off the lights and plomed himself on the bed. Jack soon turn into a bat again and leaves the room.

Okay, since it set in 50's so cursing  were not used that often in normal conversation, so the style and the wording is rather different. Minor insults would be used but not too much. It is tend to be humourous but smexy in the same time. Hope you like the slight difference for this one. Like always, do anything down there and thanks for reading... by : Z

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