Bitter Sweet

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As Mark had done his shift for tonight, he can't wait to get back and see Jack. As running home, he bought some love shaped chocolates. Well, Mark didn't fond of chocolates, well he did eat them but it just not his cup of tea. Soon the cashier asked him "Buying someone speacial Sir?" Mark blushed and anwered "No... Just celebrating a new found friendship..." The female cashier only smiled as she handed the paper bag to him. Mark waves goodbye and stroll along to his house.

At home.

"Jack~... Where are you? I bought something~..." As Mark shakes the paper bag, he entered his room and saw Jack, sleeping by floor at that very spot. Jack soob rubbed his eyes and approaches Mark. Jack sniffed the bag and asked "Is this chocolate? Ooh... I love them, but I'm dairy intolerence... My tummy will hurt me afterwards... Umm... Go ahead.... Eat without me..." Mark's head tilted down then said "Aww... I bought this for you... Okay... Eat one? Would you eat one? Just for me?" As those pleading eyes stare directly towards Jack.

Jack sigh and took the bag. He open the love shaped container and take a bite. "They were delicious... Thanks Mark..." A sincere smile form on Jack as he feed Mark the half bitten chocolate. "They sure do..." Mark licked the remaining chocolate bits of Jack's fingers. Jack blushes even more. A quick kiss to the hand.

Soon Jack's eyes sparkle and said "Mark... I think I'm in love..  With the person that had bought the chocolate..." Mark thinks for awhile but then he realized, HE is the person that bought those chocolates. Mark put away those chocolates away and approaches Jack, holding both Jack's hands and asked "Which means.. You in love with me, Jack?" Jack booped Mark's nose and answered "Of course goofball... Who else bough chocolate tonight..." Jack soon took another bite of the chocolate that were resting on the table.

Mark turn on the radio and they sway to fancy waltz. Mark grabbed Jack by the waist and they waltz away till 11 pm. A bit of blood sucking before Jack leaves Mark for tonight. Before Jack flew away, Mark fondly holds the bat then release it from his window. Jack soon flew away up the starry sky.

At the castle.

"Ma! First of all... Sorry if I didn't got home on time..." A pissed look can be seen from his Ma. "You stayed at the human's place do you?" As Ma reaches Jack. Jack then replied "Yes... I overslept so, I decide to stay there, till the night came up..." Ma soon said "You know... You CAN came home early today, do you?..." Jack then explained "But Ma... I wait for him to get back...And he bought me chocolates and he said..." Ma interrups "Said what?" Jack hesitants and replied "He said he loved me..."

A spark of anger can be seen on Ma's face. "You know you can't loved a human do you?" Jack said "But..  But Ma! I love him too..." Ma then approaches Jack closer and whispered "No.. I'm too soft to you... Starting tomorrow... No more seeing that human.." Jack exclaimed "But Ma! I loved him..." Ma's face where stirned and said "Guards! Take this disobidient child to the dungeon.. And oh? Make sure all small spaces are close..." Then tears going down Jack's eyes and Ma could treat him that way. He won't see his beloved any longer.

Well, cliche isn't it? But love gonna make it's way... even in harsh environments. Don't worry, it will be a happy ending. Like always, do anything down there and thanks for reading. By : Z

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