Finale chapter

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I woke up in werid place but if felt like I been here before, and then it hit me I was back in the hostipal. " damn it " " why such the foul mouth hon" said the nurse that was standing there. " hh how long have I've been out. " oh 3 days hon" " oh one more question why are my hands and feet hand cuffed to the bed. " "because hon we found you hanging by your hands so as a safety for our sack we had to hand cuff you." " well im not insane and can you leave i want to be alone come back in two hours.

--------------- 1 hour & 1/2 later ------------------

This is crazy even if i wanted to sleep i couldnt because of the cuffs i thought. "hey hon i know you said to come back in two hours be by law i have to check on you so is ever thing ok." no i want to sleep but i can't cause of the cuffs can you at least take off the hand ones you guys will still beeeeeeeee safe because of the feet cuffs.'" "i guess i can but you have to be good if your bad there going back on and staying on." "thank you now please leave again so i can sleep."

-------------30 mins later-----------------

ok its time i going to do it i have a shitty life anyways so what the heck. i said as i grab the the seringe i filled it with air and stuck if into the IV line that gave me blood and i released the air makeing a air bubble as i waited for that to get to my heart i was just hopeing i was going to heaven not hell .


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