Chapter 1:

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(Chryssa pov)

I can't believe that the Avengers basically destroyed Sokovia at least i lived on the outskirts of Sokovia,but i heard people dyed falling off. I don't plan on reviving them anytime soon. I also heard that an Avenger dyed, and he/she were new. I almost feel sad for he/she, now time for a shower.

(time skip)

CRASH, 'what was that, is someone in my house?' i had a million questions like that ran through my head. I put my hands up ready to fight with my magic. As i walk down the hall to my living room i seen some people by the window that is broken, they seem to be talking so i used the shadows to conceal myself. As i got closer i see they are the Avengers so i release some if my black magic. A girl with brown/black hair looks the opposite direction than me and the others stop talking as soon as she moves her head. "Чего ты хочешь со мной? (translation: what do you want with me?)",i asked. They looked around trying to find me, so i stepped out a little bit. Their heads whipped toward me, "Вы можете помочь нам, пожалуйста? (translation: can you help us please)", the girl with brown/black hair. Just then i noticed there was a body on my couch and it was him the one from my dream. "забрать его и следовать за мной. (translation: pick him up and follow me)" i say and they look at me confused. I let out a sigh and say it again in english "i said 'pick him up and follow me' are you deaf or something." they listened to me than and picked him up an followed me down stairs.

As soon as i hit the bottom step black lines appeared on the floor and walls in the middle of the was a circle. "Put him in the middle floor where the circle is, then go back to the living room." they did s i said and put him in the circle and left. As soon as they left the room got darker. I walked over to him and sat down in a meditation poss with me sitting cross legged and my knuckles are together. I focus on his body and soul to bring him back to life an healing him. As i remove the bullets (because they were to busey trying to find you). I hear little clicks as the bullets hit floors. As the bullets holes closes up he begins to breath. My eyes shot open with a hint of black still on them. I stood and went up the stairs my footsteps making no sound. When i get to the living room i find their backs to me. "

вы знаете, вы не должны превратить ваши спины в доме кого-то другого. (translation: you know you should not turn your backs in someone else's home.), i say, "oh and hes is back to the living, but he is going to have to stay here for about a month at least for his powers to return to normal, but you can visit him when he is awake and wanda you can stay here so when he awakes you can confort he, ok?" they all nod their heads so I go back downstairs to see him in the corner shivering. The first thing i do is grab a blanket out of thin air. I start to talk to him, "привет ты в порядке, ты холодно? (translation: hello are you alright, are you cold?)". His head shoots up to look at me and he calms down a lot. "Где я? кто ты? (translation: where am i? Who are you?)" he asked. "I am Chryssa Abner, and you are?". He just looks at me then suddenly gets up almost falling over but i was by his side before he fell with in a second. He is still looking at me as i sat his arm around my shoulders, he seems shaken confused. "Why are you confused?" i asked.

"It's just that i thought that i could only do that." he says gesturing to the super speed i used. 'I can do many things ok' was all i through before helping him up the stairs. "Where am i? I don't remember being in a basement." he asked confused.

"You are at my farm your friends brought you here so i can bring you back to life, but you and your sister are going to have to stay here for a month or so." i said as we are at the top of the stairs were the avengers are standing anxious to see their friend at 1 in the morning.

"Pietro you're alive, i can't believe it, you are alive. Ohhhh thank you, thank you." Wanda said many times trying to hug me but i dogged. So i went outside to feed my horses that are in my barn. I went to my horse- лето (translation: summer) -to feed her first sense she is pregnant.

This my first chapter of this book do you like it so for??????????

My Savior (Pietro maximoff x oc)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora