Chapter Three

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A/N: Happy Christmas!!!! Ok this is a short update guys so enjoy

Amelia’s POV

Its been two days since that confrontation with my father and the King and the Prince were due later this afternoon but to be honest I couldn’t bothered. I took out the roast beef and put it into the oven and set the timer. I looked at the clock on the wall and smiled, one more run in the forest with Lily before we left and I felt happy for the first time. I ran up the stairs to my room and quickly brushed my blonde hair. I touched the bruise that was still visible on my face and shrugged. I walked out, making sure I had my cheap phone because I knew my father would check up on me.

“Lily!” I laughed as I suddenly tackled to the ground. I grinned and pushed her off. She smiled at me and pushed her hair behind her ear. “Well, it took you ages. I’ve been waiting her for about an hour” I knew she was lying but she was just so funny. We got to our feet and ran into the woods. “Now?” Lily smirked as she looked at me. I nodded and closed my eyes and the next minute I was Serenity.

I looked at Hollie aka Lily’s wolf and then ran, letting out a laugh which sounded really weird. Under branches over logs we ran until we were a few miles away, stopping only when we reached our meadow. Hollie/Lily shook out her red fur and walked towards me. “That was so fun” she said in our mind link. I took a step towards her when I heard it, a twig snap. We spun around and faced the direction. I felt it before it appeared. Spearmint and….chocolate.

 “MATE!!” Serenity yelped happily trying to take over. I took a step back and growled. This was not happening, I wanted to go now and quickly. Lily barked at me and we slow moved away but it was to later. A midnight wolf, much bigger than any wolf I’ve ever seen came into view…and he was looking straight at me. He radiated power and I knew we were both in trouble. His growl made me blink and I turned towards Lily. “Lily no don’t. We don’t know anything about him and he has to be a warrior from the King’s pack,” I told Lily as she slowly moved towards him. She stopped and stared at me. “Are you mad? He could be rouge. I promised Adam that this wouldn’t happen” sometimes I wonder if Lily had had feelings for my brother but I never brought it up. I ran and blocked Lily from advancing, half of me to protect her and to be honest the other…to keep her away from my mate. “I know what I’m doing” I promised and then I did it. I turned towards the wolf and shifted.

“I don’t know who you are…but would you shift, I don’t feel like playing charades,” I said looking at him.  

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