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All I have to say, is that making out with Liam.. had to be the best thing to happen in my life.

The first I needed to do, was catch my breath, cause Liam took that away.

Is it odd, that I feel flustered inside. Like, My heart is pounding and I have this huge knot in my stomach. God, I've only been away from Liam two minutes and I already miss his touch.

I never knew Liam would have this effect on me. Now I need to stop thinking about him, and go talk to Niall in all seriousness.

As I make my way into the living room, I can hear the guys talking.

"I can't wait.. it's just gonna be like the last time. I'm gonna make her fall in-love with me, all over again, and I'll break her heart the worst way possible. There's no doubt in my mind.." Niall says before he is cut off by Zayn.

"Niall! Are you being serious?? Why do you want to hurt her so much? She hasn't done a thing to you!! isn't it bad enough she already lost her mom?! You're real immature, Niall, real immature" Zayn gets mad at Niall.

"Why is love such a joke to you?" Louis joins in.

"I want her to feel the pain I felt, I got my heartbroken numerous times.. I lost my parents.. My own brother won't talk to me.. I want her to know my pain" Niall answers.. at least that's what I think is an answer.

I take a few step into the living room, Niall's back faces me. "You want me to feel your pain?!" I say to him, and he jumps, then turns around. His eyes filled with shock and terror.

"Maybe I should make you swallow down some medicine, Maybe I should make you feel the most painful thing, loneliness. Do you have scars?

You knew your father.. I don't. You have friends to lean on.. I don't..." I get cut off by Niall.

"Oh, so now you have problems!!" Niall yells at me. I give him a disgusted look. "You want me to ball my eyes out for you, and mark my skin more than I have, I would never, in my life, do that in front of you... I may look happy on the outside, but my soul has stitches and bandages covering it. Take it as advice Niall, Never judge a book by its cover, even if it looks cheap or it's masked by another face!"I Yell at him, I wait a moment to see what he had to say to me, then I storm out of the room, into my own.

I grab my pillow from its place, grasp on tightly to it, and hide my face in it. I take deep breaths to try and relax me. But it's not working. I pace around my room for sometime before I walk out in a T-shirt and yoga pants. The only other thing that calms me down is running, and that's what I do when I get out the back door.

I sprint about 6 blocks, walk 3, before I continue with a 4 mile jog. I take in my surroundings as I listen to my phone play numerous amount of songs.

I finish my jog in 50 minutes. I pace around some more on the sidewalk, debating if I should go back, or continue running. Even if I keep running they'll find me, they always do.


We, the boys and I except Niall, searched the whole neighborhood for Caroline. No where to be found. Where could she have gone?

The boys gave up about an hour ago.. but I won't. She should be coming back. I pace around for a few minutes, when I turn around we're face to face. Caroline's lips just centimeters away from mine.

"Uhhh, um, where did you go?" why do I always get nervous around her? "I needed to cool off, after I got in a fight with Niall. Sorry I just up and left, Niall just made me so mad" she says before I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head.

"As long as you're safe, I don't mind. Are you okay?" I ask her. Knowing that Niall is a complete ass. "I'm fine now" she answers. I give her a slight squeeze and her head rests on my chest.

We stand there for about 20 minutes, before I ask her, "Do want to go back to your house?"

"No, not really" Caroline replies.

"Do you have a place of your own? If you do, can we just grab my things and go?" She asks me. "Indeed I do, I have an apartment" I say.

We head to her house, but when we walk in, the boys aren't anywhere in sight. Which is odd. But because of what Niall did... it's not that weird.

She grabs her pre-packed bags and we get in my car. "We have a couple hours before we get to my place, why don't you take a nap" I tell her and she get comfortable in the seat then takes my hand in hers.

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