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We all agreed in taking Caroline to the airport. We planned on soon, but she hopped in the shower. Probably 'cause we were taking too long. I go and make me a sandwich and get comfortable on Liam's sofa.


It's only been a half hour. Damn. How long does she take a shower? I walk in to Liam's room and noticed his sweats and T-shirt are neatly folded on the bed.
That's odd. Typically, you change in the bathroom. I also notice Caroline's shoes and phone gone...
You're kidding me. I ran out of Liam's room. "Guys!! Caroline left!!" I tell them. "No she didn't, she's taking a shower" Niall said. "Her shoes and phone are missing" I tell them. Louis looks pissed. He storms over to the bathroom and kicks it open. We all look inside to see an empty shower with the water running. Such a waste. "Call Liam," Louis says.

So we did.


I ran all the way to Demi's apartment bare foot. If I hadn't, I would've tripped in the heels 5 blocks ago. I ring the buzzer to Demi's apartment. No response, so I ring it once more.

"C'mon Demi, unlock the door.. Please answer, c'mon" I say to myself.
I finally decide to call up to her through the intercom, "Demi, It's me Caroline. Please tell me you're alright. I'm alone. Demi?"
I wait a few seconds, then I ring the buzzer to other fellow apartment owners.

Eventually, one lets me in. Yes! Thank you!
I run up the stairs as fast as I could. I turn the door handle, and it was unlocked. That's not a good sign. I slowly step into the apartment. I lock the door behind me, incase someone wanted to sneak in behind me.

I make my way to Demi's bedroom. I could hear sobs coming from inside. I was relieved to see her. "Demi, are you alright?" I ask as I push the door open.
I find her crying into her pillow. "Oh Demi" I rush to her side. "Dems are you okay? Are you hurt?" She looks up to see me. I notice a bruise forming on her cheek. I get red in the face. "Did Liam do that to you?! I swear if he did I will F*ucking hurt-" She cuts me off.
"NO! It wasn't him! It was Jeff... You know my b-boyfriend" She looks scared. "You did break up with him, right?" I ask her.
"I tried, but then he got so angry at me! He told me I was nothing without him. That I was a worthless bitch. He then slapped me and told me our "relationship" wasn't over 'til I say it's over" More tears streamed down her cheeks. I took her into a hug.
"Demi, you are not worthless, nor a bitch. You are worth so much more than he thinks. You are a priceless jewel. He needs to take care of his jewel, otherwise he might lose her. Which he already did" I wipe away her tears, "Don't let him control you, you are your own person." I hug her once more.
"Thanks, I really needed your support" she says. "Before I forget, Liam came for your things... He wants you to go with him on tour with the boys" Demi tells me.
"I know" I say, "but I can't. I can't drop everything and rush to his side. Liam and I talked about this just last night. He said I could come and see him once a month. I don't want to quit my job or leave you here for 13 months. I don't want to see you hurt again. I can't drop everything just to please him." I start to cry myself.
"Caroline, go." She tells me. "What? You're joking right?" I'm surprised she would even say that.
"Caroline, I want you to go. You shouldn't be sitting around here, you should be traveling the world. You should be doing something with your life." She states.
"Demi I-" she interrupts me. "Caroline, if you don't go, I swear I will make you. Liam asked me if you can go I tour with him. At first, I put up a fight...Then, I put my selfish thoughts aside . I'll miss you, but I want you to go."
I take her into an embrace. "Thank you" I smile. "But, now we have a problem... I sort of left the boys to come see if you were okay and uh they are probably pissed at me" Her eyes widen. "You are so in trouble, your flight leaves in an hour!" Demi says. "Well I couldn't leave with out saying good bye to the woman who took me under her wing!" she smiles at me.
"I am really going to miss you" she says. "Promise me something while I'm gone," she nods at me to keep going, "promise me you'll dump that slut of a boyfriend and go partying with your best friends or do something he would've never let you do."
Demi sticks out her pinkie, "I promise."

•Liam's POV•

I pace around in the airport waiting for the boys to bring Caroline, when I get a call. "Hey Zayn!" I say, "are you guys almost here?"

"Liam we have a problem...Caroline left. She locked the bathroom door and turned the shower on, to make us think she was taking a shower. She must've overheard us talking about taking her to the airport." Zayn says. I feel mad. Why did she leave? This whole plan is going to crumble without her. Maybe I should've stuck to having her on tour with me and the boys once a month.

"I know where she is" I say. She most-likely ran to Demi's. "Let me send you the-" I was cut off by someone yelling my name. "LIAM!!" I recognize the voice. "Caroline?" I see her running towards me with her cousin following behind. Maybe the plan is going to work.. "Zayn, you and the boys just come straight to the airport" I tell him. "Wait, what about Caroline?" he asks. "She's already here" I tell him. Caroline opens her arms, but doesn't think to slow down. She crashes into me and we fall down.

"So I see you've decided to still come.." I say. "I couldn't leave without saying goodbye to my cousin..." she tells me. Oh. "Sorry.. I kind of forgot she's your only family..." I apologize to her. "It's okay.. I found a way.." she mumbles the last part.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, like I said 20 million times before I'll update as soon as possible.

Love you all <3


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