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WOOP CHAPTER 20!!!!!!!! If anyone wants a book idea I have one, I would write it, but I'm too lazy to write 3rd book. So enjoy! Might be a while for the next one I have a family vacation. Anyways, I might actually have a social life this summer!! JK. This reminds me of my 7th grade summer... All I did was stay inside and watch 1D videos, I watched from a window while my friends hung out. I still got sunburned somehow... So on with the story now! *Also I'm getting annoyed at saying Liam and I it's a struggle no to put me and Liam, so I might put that now*

When Liam and I walked in, it was dead silent. There wasn't a note on the counter either. "Maybe they're at the pool?" I suggest. We search their rooms no one is here. I swing open our bedroom door to toss the feminine products in there, I see 4 boys on the bed. "Liam! I found them," yell for him. He comes running to see. "Caroline and Liam, this is sacred territory. We don't want to here any sexual noises come from this room. It might be difficult to understand... but Caroline we do not want you losing your virginity in a hotel bed, who knows what might lurk beneath this duvet," Louis says. I laugh a little at his choice of words.

"Who said I was a virgin?" I ask Louis. "Niall said you were," he answers and points his finger to Niall like he's to blame. Niall hits him up side the head. "Whatever," I turn to Liam and say, "Tour bus it is." "Don't whatever me missy. I am the oldest one here, and there's no way I'm letting you rock that tour bus's world either, This room and the tour bus is a no sex zone " Louis gets sassy and Harry holds up a poster that says No Sex Zone. "Just because of your age, does not mean I have to listen to you, I don't have to listen to that sign either" I say and shut the door behind me. I smile at Liam. "Race you to the sofas?" we took off sprinting to the living room. A couple seconds later the boys came out of our room. "Caroline, I think we need to have a serious talk about the birds and the bees," Louis says. "I've heard about it a million times. I don't need to hear it again. Also, you're assuming-" I was cut off by Zayn.

"We're not assuming anything. Harry told us what you two were talking about last night," He says. "What are you all getting worked up for? This never happened when Louis and Eleanor w-" Liam was cut off by Louis. "We don't speak of that night. Unless you want that to happen again... I suggest you not say another word," Harry's eyes go wide. "Let's drop the topic. I just got done getting the sounds out of my head," Harry says before anyone else can continue. "Thank you, Harry," I didn't want to know about Louis's sex life. "Let me just say something before we exit the subject, Liam's and Caroline's room is sex free," I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. I'll go get a Chasity belt," Louis says and my eyes go wide. Maybe he's trying to protect me from something. But Liam looks harmless. Looks can be deceiving, though. I let the thoughts go to the back of my head and focus on the tv.


The boys wanted to have spaghetti from an Italian restaurant. I didn't want to go out again. I certainly did not want to get dressed up. Liam begged for me to go and asked numerous times is I was okay. I told him I was tired. I ordered ravioli from the hotel service for dinner. The boys said they be back in 3 hours. They left at 5:30. It's almost 10:40. Maybe they're taking pictures or signing things for the fans. Maybe they had to have a reservation. I just hope they're not going to club. Then I'm stuck here all night by myself. I head off to bed around 11:15.


I'm awoken by someone kissing my neck. I open my eyes to see Liam hovering over me. "Hey, where've you been," I ask. He kisses my lips and I can taste the alcohol in his mouth. He went drinking. Liam lifts my shirt up. "Liam, no. We're not doing this tonight. You're drunk. Get off me!" I yell. "You have no say in what I want," he says. I shove him off of me, and he fall on the floor. I fix my shirt, grab a hotel key, and my phone. I run out of the room, while he continues to try and pick his drunk-ass off the floor. I make the decision to just wander the hotel. I don't want to leave, I don't want to be lost or kidnapped. After about 15 minutes, I go back to the hotel room. I look into every one of the boys rooms and they're past out. I cover them in blankets. I pick Liam off the floor, or at least try to. I try dragging him, pulling him, picking him up, but he just goes back to the ground. I get a pillow and place it under his head. I pull the blanket over him. I grab a pillow for myself and head to the sofas. I bump into Harry in the hallway.

"Where are you going?" he asks. "I'm sleeping on the sofa," I say and walk past him. He follows me. "Why?" Harry scrunches his eyebrows together. "Because it's soft," I answer. "The real reason," he says unamused. "Liam is passed out on the floor, Can you tell me why?" I ask annoyed. "I asked you a question first," he crosses his arms. "I will answer your question if you answer mine," I says. Harry gives in. "He's drunk. I promised Liam I wouldn't tell. But after we ate, we decided to go to a club. Liam, Louis, and Niall got shitfaced. I was the designated 'Don't let the boys go home with someone else'. Zayn didn't drink alot," I laugh alittle at the title he gave himself. "I'm sleeping on the couch because Liam woke me up. He wanted to have sex. I am not in the mood... I don't want him to be drunk and me being the only one to remember," I say.

"Plus, you just got those noises out of your head. Wouldn't want to hurt your innocent little mind," I smirk. Harry shoots me a death glare. "Well, see you when I wake up," I tell him. "Don't you mean, see you in the morning?" he says. I check my phone. "No cause it's 1:38 am. It's already morning," he nods. "Night," Harry says and then wanders to his room. I plop down on the sofa and snuggle up to the pillow. I pull out my phone and tap on the Pandora app. I let the songs go by freely without skipping and soon fall asleep.


Sorry for the short chappy!

Love you all, hope to update by next week!


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