Maul 3

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Maul smiled at the progress he had been making with Ezra. Blinding his master was a mistake, but to fair it was an accident, Maul thought. He was lying in his bunk staring up at the ceiling. Sometimes I wonder if Ezra is a gift from The Force, he's the only one who openly trusted me since my mother and...Savage. Maul groaned into his pillow. He made mistakes with Savage but he refused to make any more mistakes where Ezra was concerned. Ezra hadn't shown Maul any trust since Malachor, where Maul saved Ezra's life twice. He could have dropped Ezra, for Maul had the Sith Holocron, but something held him back. Maul actually liked the boy, Ezra reminded Maul so much of Savage and Maul needed that. He needed someone to just trust him. Maul went to sleep thinking about the miracle of a boy named Ezra.

Sorry I've been making these quite short. Hope you like it so far though if you do I hope you wouldn't mind telling me in the comments or not if you don't want to. Thank you for your time.

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