Ponyboy's 19th Birthday

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Today is Ponyboy's 19th birthday and we're just going to be hanging around while the Curtis boys take him out for the day. The rest of us are gonna plan a party at Buck's tonight. Buck said we could have the joint to ourselves and who ever we invite to come to the party. I walked with Johnny to the joint, him and I both carrying boxes. The others were already there and setting some things up while they waited for Johnny and I.

"Johnny?" I asked.

"yeah?" He asked looking at me.

"I talked to Mikey awhile back and he told me something." I started.

"Oh god." Johnny muttered. But I still heard him, I laughed a little too with what he said.

"He told me about someone else had originally liked me. But he said it was Ponyboy. But I am not sure if I should believe him or not." I said.

"Well, Pony sure does love ya. Maybe he meant we all loved you as our sister, because we do." He explained. "I mean, I never had a sister. But to me you're just like my little sister that's a year and a half younger then me."

"I feel the same like you're all my brothers." I said.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late." He said and we ran the rest of the way with our boxes in hand. Once we got there, he tripped over the door frame step and fell, I wasn't paying attention and I fell on top of him with a loud thud sound. "Aww" Was the sound of pain I heard from Johnny as I landed on him. He fell on his stomach right on the floor.

"Y'all okay?" Dally asked pulling me off Johnny and then Two-bit pulled Johnny up off the ground.

"Yeah. I don't know about Johnny though." I said.

"What? I'm good." He said. Steve and I picked up the boxes and stuff that fell out. We walked over to the counter and set everything down. I looked at what they did and it was pretty awesome, for a couple of boys. But I left it so it looked like the boys actually helped. We had about two hours until the other three came. So we all sat at one table and talked, laughed and played a game. We played truth or dare while we waited.

"Truth or dare Two-bit?" Dally asked, aw this might be bad for Two-bit knowing what Dal could say.

I'm gonna go with truth"

"Who is the worst person dressed in this room?" Dal asked.

"Obvioulsy not me, so I'd say Steve."

"I'm fine with that." Steve said.

"Truth or dare Johnny?" Two asked.


"Ow come on, you never go for a dare. Try it once" Two said. I started to laugh because I had no idea what Two has in store for him. "I'll go easy on ya."

"Ugh, fine." He said. Two-bit sat there and thought for one. When he finally was ready, all ears were listening and all eyes were on Johnny to see his reaction to this.

"Spin around with your head on a bat 5 times and then jump rope" He said.

"That's not that bad." Johnny said. He got up and grabbed bat, he then started to spin. Ater his 5th time we handed him a jump rope from one of boxes and he jumped roped. He was stumbling all over the place and eventually fell with the rope wrapped around his feet. "My turn now and I am asking Steve"

"Dare!" Steve said getting excited.

"The person to your left gets to draw a "tattoo" on your forearm that says I heart ____________." Johnny said, I sat there and the realised I was to his left. I get to draw what ever it is I want on his arm. I took a sharpie and wrote 'I heart girls'.

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