Part 3

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  It's been about two months since I've been assigned the Prince's bodyguard and it should seem that people dislike this. I'm not sure why—maybe because I was classified as a low class? It made no sense to me, but quite frankly I don't really care. The sun is barely shining through the window—I was up particularly early today. My nails pick at the meat I cooked for myself, shredding it but more out of stress and boredom than to eat. I hear a loud yawn and see dad come out of his room, rubbing his eyes and shirtless. "Hi daddy." I drone out, not bothering to look at him any longer than I needed to. His eyes snap open and his pace quickens to stand beside me. I don't bother hiding that I'm stressed. I don't waste food and I only call him daddy when I was feeling particularly happy or when—to quote—'his baby girl needs someone to listen to her'. Bardock was a very affectionate Saiyan when in the company of close friends and family. But as soon as someone he wasn't associated with closely came into the picture he turned into the classic, I don't care, cold male. He sits down beside me and holds my wrist so that I can't demolish the shredded remains of the meat.

"Alright, spill it. What's the matter? Is Raditz bothering you again? Do I need to kick his ass?" He asks, holding onto my other hand with his free one. I shake my head, looking down at my plate before deciding I need to eat. Even though I wasn't hungry, I know I would need the energy for my job today. I pull my hands from dad's grip and begin to eat slowly, taking the time to chew every single piece. Dad sighs and lifts my head so he can look into my eyes. "Please tell me what's wrong?" He asks, placing his other hand on top of my own.

"Dad...I'm...I'm okay." I lie through my teeth. He knows I'm full of shit but he also knows that I wouldn't lie unless I thought I had a valid reason to do it.

" know that if you need me, then I'm right here. Kakarot is as well." He says, nodding towards my brothers room. I can't help but to give him a tiny smile.

"Thanks Dad." I look towards the window and see that the sun is almost completely up. I gasp. "Crap, I'm gonna need to hurry or else I'll be late." I immediately devour the rest of my food—going at my usual pace this time to eat—and leap out of my chair. "Bye dad! I've got places to be and people to see!" I shout, rushing out of the house as I pull on my shirt. I hear him shout 'have a good day' right before the door closes and I take off into the air. I'm barely a few meters away from the house before I realize something, however. I drop down from the sky, sprinting back to the front door of my house and slamming it open. When I come back inside, I see dad in the den, holding up my armor by the strap.

"You forget something?" He questions, waving it with an almost mocking smirk on his face.

"Oh shut up dad." I growl out, smiling and snatching the armor from his hands before he can make any more comments on my forgetfulness. As soon as I grab onto the armor though, he yanks me into a hug by my wrist. Even with my face buried in his chest, I can't help but grin.

"You remember what your mother used to always say right?" He asks me, hand placed firmly on my back.

"Most of my memories consist of punches. And the occasional foot to the face." Both of us laugh loudly at that: mainly because we know it's true.

"Yeah okay, that's the same for me." That only leads to more laughter. Once we both calm down, he places his hands on my shoulders and gently pushes me back. "But seriously. Do you?" He questions, tilting his head.

"'The only people whose opinion matter are your own. And anyone who tries to put down or say your opinions and thoughts are wrong can kiss your ass'."

"Exactly. Now, go kick some ass, little bird." He says, shoving me towards the door. My eyes widen and my head snaps back to look at him. He hasn't called me that since mom died. It was what she used to call me because she would find me on the roof, humming, singing or whistling when the sun began to rise. It was a ritual that calmed me down and helped me start off my day right. Of course that all stopped when mother died. I haven't repeated it once since then. I try not to cry—I was sure that he'd forgotten it—and spin on my heels going back to hug him tightly.

"Bye dad..." I say, pulling away slowly and grinning up at him past the tears. He wipes away my tears with his thumb, smiling down at me.

"Member'. They have any smart shit to say, respond with your foot. I know how hard you kick." He ruffles my hair and I rush out the door. I can't afford to leave any later. I see him wave good bye right before I take off, not bothering to wait until I'm fully outside. I can't help but to do various spins, twists and circles in the air, my laughter being lost to the wind. I was excited to go here. I didn't hate my actual job: I just hated the people that are at my job. The palace soon comes into view as well as the town that surrounded it: it had taken me about 3 minutes to get here. I bought—or rather bought a plot of land and built with the help of my family—a house that was a little further from the town. We liked our privacy and the country was much more peaceful compared to the hustle and bustle of the castle town. I land on one of the many balconies of the castle, not bothering to check in with the guards at the main gates. I always land on the same balcony and spike my ki to the same level: at this point it was a game with them. Whoever managed to realize it was me first got drinks from the other guard. I walk into the room beyond the balcony.

"You're late." My charge mumbles, hunched over his desk. But of course, I can hear the amusement in his tone. I only got to see this side of him.

"Yeah by, like, five minutes." I say, lifting my arms then dropping them back down at my side.

"Six minutes and 23 seconds." He responds, glancing over his shoulder at me before looking back down at his papers. I roll my eyes, looking up at the ceiling before
smirking at him.

"What? Are you counting the moments till' you see me again?" I question, pressing my hand to my chest and the back of my other hand to my forehead, leaning back dramatically. He grunts, standing up from his chair, spinning on his heel and pinning me to the wall, with a hand on either side of my head. I gasp and take a tiny step backwards, my hands pressing against the wall as if they would find some escape. "V...Vegeta?" I ask, eyes wide.

"And if I said that I was...?" He questions, that smirk only getting wider. I laugh but it's slightly nervous sounding.

"I'd call you out on your bull shit." He snorts and turns his away, a smile taking place of the smirk.

"Good to know." He says without looking at me and turning back to his desk, getting back to whatever work he was doing. There's an almost literal mountain of paperwork on his desk's surface.

"My, my. What's with all the paper? I don't remember leaving you with this much." I taunt, smiling and coming back from that embarrassing moment far quicker than I thought was possible.

"So many things to look over..." He mumbles, head down, pencil moving rapidly over the sheet currently in front of him.


"Rules to read over, guards to approve, etc. etc." I look over his shoulder and try to read the paper he was inspecting currently. I only manage to pay attention to the writing for the first few words before I lost interest. With nothing else to do, I begin my daily routine of walking through his room to train my eyes and see if I can spot any differences. After this I'll probably clean what little dirt is in here.

"Sounds sooo interesting...remind me to do this, it sounds more exciting than a bar fight on a weekend." I say smartly, continuing to look through the room. I hear Vegeta grunt in response, probably at this point tuning me out like usual. My sharp eyes pick up a flash of green, causing me to become curious and walk towards the dresser it was hidden in. My slender fingers hook through the fabric and yank upwards, pulling out a bra from the cabinet. Lacy, neon green, lingerie-type bra. "Ahem..." I lean against the cabinet, smirking at the shocked and embarrassed expression on Vegeta's face when he sees what I'm holding onto. "Sire? Not only did you let someone in bedded them and showed them you at your weakest." It sounds like a lecture but he can tell from the smirk that I'm messing around with him. I toss it at him, laughing when he catches it with ease.

"If you're so jealous I can get you a bed partner."

"I would rather screw my own brother Raditz than fuck any elite in this castle." An expression of disappointment crosses his face for a quick second before disappearing.

"Oh. Well then, I can find a low class for you. It shouldn't be too hard, you're quite the catch."

"I attract enough attention that I don't need your help. It's not like I'm not aware that I am very sexually attractive. It's just that..."

"Just that...?" I exhale and roll my eyes, looking up at the ceiling.

"Sex isn't my interest anymore. It hasn't been since...I was 19 really. I enjoy it but...I'm trying to find something a little bit more long term. I haven't found that special person just yet though."

"You limit yourself to just low-class?" I nod my head. "Why?"

"Only a low-class truly cares." I shrug after I say that, looking out the window.

"Unless you're looking at the wrong group of elites. There are certainly a fair number of them that are...right for you." I scoff, turning my nose up in the air. I can hear shifting until suddenly I'm spun around and pinned to his dresser, his arms trapping me.

"Such as...?" I ask, my breathing starting to pick up pace. He simply leans forward, eyes half closed, and filled with some strange emotion that I can't name. His lips brush mine, barely a tickle before the door knob begins to jiggle and interrupts us. He yanks himself away from me, glaring at the door as if it had said something to offend him. An elitist soldier opens the door and peeks his head in, cautious so as not to interrupt the prince. He sees us and his eyes widen for a split second.

"Oh! Sire, I didn't know that you had...oh. Never mind it's just the bodyguard." He says, his eyes turning into the usual glare that's pointed at me.

"I've got a name, you asshole." I snarl out, baring my canines at him.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Anyway, sire. You're late for your meeting." He says, fully opening the door.

"Shit..." Vegeta mutters, looking down for a moment. He looks back up and starts towards the door, seeming almost like he's a little bit panicked. I follow after my charge, trying to match his pace. Before I can fully get through the doorway, the elite guard grabs my forearm, yanking me close to him and leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"Stop ogling him. A worthless low-class is lucky enough to have a job near him. Don't get your hopes up at all about him mating with you, or anything even close to that. Are we clear?" I yank my arm out of his grip, ignoring him entirely and following hastily after the Prince. Once I catch up he gives me a questioning look and I only give him a shrug. What was I supposed to say?

"Sire...if I might ask...what is this meeting about?" I have to run to keep up with his hurried stride.

"A deserter from a conquering mission and what type of punishment that needs to be administered." I stop dead in my tracks, watching the prince with wide eyes.

"Punishment...? What punishment!? Why is he being punished?! He was probably terrified for his life!" I shout, taking a step forward.

He spins on his heels and gets in my face, eyes filled with rage. "He abandoned his mission and his squad mates! He has disgraced the Saiyan race and someone as weak willed as that deserves to be punished!" He shouts. "And you will not talk to me in that fashion again. Are we understood?" He asks, his voice dropping to a dangerously low tone. I stiffen up, glaring at him harshly and his eyes widen as he realizes what he's said.
"...only a low class truly cares..." I murmur, looking down at the ground. I hear him sigh quietly before shaking his head and slamming open the door, stalking into the room with me following him as close as bodyguard should be.

"'re la—"

"I'm aware!" He shouts, cutting them off and glaring at the council members. They all shrink back as he takes his seat at the head of the council, me standing in front of him, my hands behind my back. I'm aware of his gaze being on the back of my head instead of paying attention as the criminal is dragged in, hands and feet bound together. The healer in me can't help but wince at some of the wounds. These were very recent as well...he was probably tormented by the guards and some of the prisoners. "You stand accused of desertion." Vegeta begins, and the prisoner keeps his head down. "By standard rules, I should shoot you on the spot. But I'm going to give you the opportunity to explain. You have 5 minutes. Fill them with words." He demands. The prisoner doesn't even attempt to hide his surprise as his head snaps up to stare at us in shock.

"'s my family sire. My wife is no longer able to fight, due to the injuries she's sustained a year ago...and I've a child who is only 5 years of age. The mission was going south...all of my squad had died...and I all that I could think of, was how my family wouldn't be able to survive without me." Vegeta's eyes are wide in shock.

"Your squad died? I was not informed of this." He turns to glare at the council members from over his shoulder, then looks at me with an unreadable expression. "Very well...6 months in the mine. And your family may stay here until you're released." The rest of the council stares at Vegeta in shock but I can't stop my smile from appearing. The prisoner stands to his full height and bows low, a tired smile on his face as well as he's escorted out of the room. Vegeta steps down from his podium. "(Name). Let's go." I nod my head and follow him out of the room. Finally, I can't contain myself.


"Because I wish it. And because...well not all elites are cold-hearted." He says, looking over his shoulder and smiling slightly. I return the smile, walking by his side. When I'm sure no one is looking, I kiss his cheek quickly, earning a slight blush.

"Thank you sire." He grunts and shakes his head. Both of us walk down the hall before his stomach grumbles loudly. He places his hand to his stomach and I point at him laughing, mere seconds before my stomach growls nearly louder than his. He only sends me a silent smirk as I blush and hold onto it. "Shall we get something to eat?"

"That would be nice." He responds, walking to the food hall, drawing the attention of every living being in the room. The smell of various dishes forces me to drool and sniff the air. The Prince walks around, trying to figure out which table he wants and I walk by his side: something that he allowed only me to do. When he seems like he's heading towards a table, everyone instantly clears it of any debris and themselves, setting out full platters of food. He sits down and begins eating in a calm and collected manner, with me standing behind him, arms behind my back. Various dirty looks are thrown my way by the people that walk past but I've learned to ignore them completely.

Our attention is drawn to the doors when they open, revealing King Vegeta and the practical miniature army that followed after him everywhere. I guess the King required more bodyguards or something. I hope I don't seem cynical when it makes me question exactly how much power he possessed. The King looks up and spots us, immediately walking up and taking a seat across from the prince. "Son. Miss (Name)."

"Father." Vegeta responds, not bothering to look up and dabbing at his mouth with a napkin. I forgot that's how the elites ate. ...I don't get it. Especially not if you're just going to take another bite and get your mouth dirty again. "To what do I owe this...pleasure?" He pauses before the word pleasure. It was well know that the King and his son had a strained relationship at best. I'm not sure if it's from the King's lack of trying or simply because the Prince was usually a cold person to begin with. Maybe he resented his father for something that I was unaware of.

"Nothing. This is a mere coincidence." The king responds, looking up at me after a moment. "Sit. Eat." He practically commands, gesturing to the seat beside Prince Vegeta. I shake my head and raise my hands.

"With all due respect sire, no. I'd rather not ruin your reputation by having you dine with a low-class soldier." I try to explain.

"There is no threat to my reputation. You're considered a hero. Now. Sit." After a few more moments of inner debate I nod and take a seat, pulling a few things onto my plate and eating slowly, trying to resist the urge to eat like I normally do. Almost the entire meal is eaten in awkward silence, the temperature in the room actually seeming to drop the more Vegeta answers in curt, cold answers when the King tries to start conversation. I finish what's on my plate finally and stand up, grabbing my plates and stacking them.

"What are you doing?" Vegeta asks, looking at me confused.

"Going to clean my dishes, sire...?" I question, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"Leave them there. Someone will get to them after we leave." I raise my eyebrow slightly. The elites didn't I shake my head and set down the plates—how am I supposed to go against the Prince's orders? "You really are a low class..." He mumbles, looking at me as if I were insane. King Vegeta stands, straightening his clothes and nodding at the both of us.

"I suppose I will see you some other time son. It was nice seeing you again, Miss (Name)." I bow my head.

"My lord." The Prince sighs quietly once the King is out of the room.

"It's getting late...I need to prepare for tomorrow and you need to head home." He says, getting up and heading to his room. I always entered and exited the palace through the balcony. When he closes the door, I walk outside, leaning on the railing. The sun had already set. How long had I been here...? I guess the time really did fly past. Vegeta comes out, leaning on the railing beside me. I hop up on the side of the railing, looking up at the sky and smiling.

"I never really look up when it's night mother used to take me outside in the middle of the night either to train or just to star gaze...she said it used to calm me down when I was a baby..."

"Why don't you do it now? You seem to be relaxed already." I shrug and put my hands in my lap.

"All it does is bring back memories of mom...and those memories hurt." I bite my lip so I don't cry and try to force the memories back into the corner of my mind. I feel a hand go over my own and look up to see an expression on Vegeta's face that makes me reel backwards. He laughs at my shocked expression.

"Is it really all that shocking?" He asks, lifting my hand to grip it slightly. I look down, a blush appearing on my cheeks. It wasn't shocking but...well I'd written it off as me being delusional. He grabs my chin in between his thumb and index finger, lifting my head up so I'm looking at him again. "Don't think about it to much." He says, leaning forward and kissing me. My heart beat increases immediately as the blush gets brighter. His lips move against mine, gentle but demanding. I close my eyes and kiss him back, bringing my hand up to his cheek and gripping his other hand tightly. He pulls back, nipping my bottom lip and smiling. My breath leaves me in short, quiet pants as I try to take in everything that just happened to me.

"V...Vegeta...I..." A gloved finger goes to my lips.

"As I said...don't think about it too much. I can't explain why: I don't even know. But for some reason...I've grown to like you far more than I should. I've tried to force it down but...I can't." He shrugs, pulling back fully, letting go of my hand. "You should probably go. I'm sure your family is starting to worry." I can only nod my head. Right before I take off, I leap off the railing and onto Vegeta, stealing a quick kiss from him before taking to the sky. I guess I've started making good memories for the night...  

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