Chapter 4 - Day 1

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Yeah, so I guess this was my new home, being a captive to a gang of super hot but gross perverted teen guys who were violent... Yay! :(

The worst part, they all had no girlfriends. Just keep quiet and only talk when you're suppose to and you'll be fine. I thought as I sighed. A sudden cough startled me out of my thoughts. " Thinking about something?" someone asked me. It was another brown haired british boy who I didn't meet before. he had tattoos all over him and a nose ring. He was drinking a beer as he looked at me for an answer. " Yeah." I finally answered. I looked at him curiously. " What you've never seen someone drink beer before?" he asked with a nasty smirk. " No, I'm just surprised you're drinking a beer at 10:00 in the morning." I said. He snarled and put the beer bottle down. " H has been telling me about you, No much of a talker are you?" he asked. " Im just afraid to talk." I said back. the boy looked at me and then he burst out laughing. " good answer." he smiled back. " Don't worry we won't hurt you we're just lonely that's all, we've never had a girl staying with all of us before." the boy said as he took a drag off of a newly lit cigarette. " God Damn H! put some underwear on!" Liam snarled. " I'm going! god!" H snapped back. H walked back into the room as he saw me and then smirked at me with a dirty smile. " I see you've meet Lou." H said as he smirked at me and then put his arms around me. " H, you have a little something on your chest." Lou said. " oh it seems I do... Wanna lick it off?" H asked me. " I don't even know what that is..." I said grossed out. " It's... Cum." H said with a nasty growl. My face turned green as I almost passed out. " Go clean it off." Lou said. H snarled and then got off the couch. " I got the urge last night and I dont sleep with underwear on... so you can picture it." H said with a wink. " You're so disgusting." I sneered as I shivered. " What's wrong is somebody cold?"H asked. I shivered again. H wrapped his shirtless arms around me and put his smoke out in the ash tray. " alright guys, group meeting!" Liam hollared. Since I wasn't a guy, I got to sit all alone on the couch... how fun. " Here's your schedule." H grumbled as he handed it to me. " Schedule... For what?" I asked him. " You're our playmate remember, one guy gets you for one hour each day, you'll spend that one hour pleasing us yadda, yadda, yadda. any questions?" H asked annoyed. " Pleasuring you? how?" I said. " whatever the guy your with is in the mood for." H said as he put his feet on the table. " So who do I have to "pleasure" today?" I asked him. He raised his eyebrows at me, " I don't know, look at the paper." he said. " Fine I will." I said. I looked down at the paper, " Z." I said outloud. I gulped afraid. " That's right babe, today's our first day together!" Z said as he put his arm around me. " be gentle with her Zayn." H said as he took a drink off Lou's beer. " Hey! give me my beer back! go get off your lazy ass and get one yourself!" Lou cried to H. H growled and then got up as he walked over to the fridge. " Okay! who left this months edition of PlayBoy in the fridge!" H growled. " Oh... Sorry that was my bad." Z said as he ripped it from H's hand and threw it onto his bed. " Hey that was my edition of the magazine this month! you had last months!" Liam snarled at Z. " Too bad." Z said. the other four said their goodbyes, getting each a kiss and a hug from each of them, a longer kiss from H and then he put his hand on my ass. It was just me and Z left in this shity, gross, cigarette smelling, floor house. " I guess it's just us now." I said awkwardly. " That's right babe." Z said as he came over to my side of the couch. " you may go take a shower and then we will discuss what our plan for today is." Z said as he lit a smoke and looked at me. " Don't follow me." I said to him. " I'll try not to." Z yelled back as I walked down the hallway. " Aha! the bathroom, finally. I closed the door and started to undress as I hopped into the shower and started humming a song as the warm water indulged my body. I didn't hear the door open, I just turned around and there was naked Z, " What the hell are you doing?!" I said covering myself with my hands. " I just thought you'd like some company." Z said as we stood face to face. " Well, I don't so could you please kindly exit the shower and let me bathe in peace?" I asked him. he just chuckled and then put his lips to my neck and kissing my shoulder as he roughly pushed me up against the wall, " Z..." I said. he connected his lips with mine as he began moaning, he grab a hold of his member and lined it up with the opening to mine, he counted down from three and forced his way inside of me. " Get out of me!" I screamed as I pushed him to the side. " I know you like this." Z said. He moved in and out of me as each time I held a moan of pleasure back. " Come on babe, moan for me." Z said pushing me closer. Finally I let out a small moan, and Z smirked. After he was finished he exited the shower and got his clothes back on. after he shut the door I locked it and wrapped the towel around me as I slid down the wall, I had just been raped, for the first time. I got dressed and snuck down the hallway and went into one of the rooms, surprisingly when I closed the door it was quiet, I turned around and almost started crying happily, the room was full of books, shelve after shelve of glorious books, I took a couple and sat down on the floor as I began reading the front page. an hour went by and the door to the room opened and I didn't notice a person walk in. The person smiled and then sat down beside me. " I see you've found my secret stash of novels." the raspy voice said into my ear, that same chilling feeling went through me. I lifted my head and looked to the side as H smiled with full on dimples. he took the book from my hands and raised his hand up in the air, " Please don't hit me! I'm sorry for touching your books, I just didn't want to be alone with Z after what happened in the bathroom... it was awful...." I said as I huddled close together to the wall. Thump! H put the book back into place on the shelf and then looked at me. " I'm not gonna hit you with the books! yeah I'm in a gang, But I don't beat up ladies. I beat up guys who piss me off." H said. " Z did what exactly?" H asked me. I whispered it into his ear and he just laughed. " Z, just goes for it, he doesn't give you the choice, he just takes whatever he wants. its the same with all of us. so get used to it pretty girl." H said as he flung onto his matress. " Come, lay next to me." H said patting the side of the bed next to his. I hesitantly got up off the floor and slowly walked over to the side of the bed. " Don't be shy, I don't bite, well I give hickeys but thats besides the fact." H said as he smirked. I gulped as my head hit the pillow. H just sat there watching as I fell asleep. H didn't seem to care, to me I was his golden ticket. more being used. more smelling smoke, more beer drinking and playboys and weapons and my head was going 1,000 miles per hour. I couldn't stay here, But I had to stay here if I wanted to stay alive. But what about Niall? if he knew I was missing for more than one day then he'd come looking for me and find that I wasn't home so he'd then realize that I was telling the truth the whole time. God he was gonna owe me a big apology when he comes to rescue my ass. " Pizza Or Steak?" Liam asked the boys. " Doesn't matter, just put some damn food on the table liam! I'm hungry!" Z growled. " Fine! here you go." Liam said putting down a box of frozen pizza on the table. " How the hell am I suppose to eat this?! It's frozen!" Lou snarled. " Put it in the oven fat ass." H laughed. " My ass isn't fat." Lou said defensively. suddenly, a crumpled up piece of paper hit my forehead. I picked it up out of my lap and untangled it. Wanna sleep with me tonight? - H it said I looked up and H winked and smiled at me. I gulped and then attentively looked back down. And then an Idea suddenly popped into my head, If I didn't want to please H sexually, I can please him romantically! sorry H's dick you're out of luck tonight and every other night after that. If I please him romantically then maybe, just maybe I can get him to fall in love with me and then the other four won't ever be able to touch me. Genius! go me! go me! Yes! WAHOOO! the only question was... what was I gonna do for H romantically, I didn't even know his interests in stuff. this plan will work, I just need to get H alone so I can find out his likes and dislike in life. wish me good luck.

- Little Miss Sunshine X ;)

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