Chapter 20 - Day 15 (Part 2)

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Today was the hardest of all of the days put together that I've been held captive here. And Jennette... poor Jennette. Z took her by force as his girl. I don't approve of them being together. I planned to run off tonight, with Niall and Jennette in one of their vans and far away from these five creeps. Liam and the others played volleyball on the nice beach sand as they were shirtless. " Momma mia, if I weren't his by force he'd so be mine minus all of the bad boy smoking and drugs shit." Jennette said. " Jennette! You're not suppose to swear!" I said with a serious face. " Shit isn't a swear. Besides... I'm off set." She said with a smile. "Speaking of off set." She said with a smirk. " oh no, I know that smirk, it means you've got something... What do you have?" I asked worried. " Something that's gonna get us the hell out of this hell hole." She said grabbing a sock out of her bag. " No! Not the butter sock! That's just a stage prop! Besides they're the toughest gang in Los Angeles! You actually think you can take them on?!" I said worried. " Yeah. You're right. Nevermind." Jennette said. " tonight, while they're asleep... We leave and get the hell out of here." I told her. We spent the night packing and we threw everything into the back of one of the vans, we snuck out that night as I stole Harry's knife. " goodbye..." I said with a smirk. We hoped into the van as Niall drove us off. We cheered happily as we were finally out! " Shit!" I said angrily. " Whats wrong babe?" Niall asked me. A black device was strapped to my leg. " THAT SON OF A BITCH PUT A GPS TRACKING DEVICE ON ME!" I cried angrily.

" Same here, I've got one too." Jennette sighed. " Now they're gonna know where we are! They're gonna find us and Kill us! Niall! I don't want to die!" I cried rocking back and forth. " Shhhh... We're not gonna die butterfly, we'll be fine. Here use these to take them off." Niall said handing me a pair of pliers. I tried to clamp them off but the tracking device shocked me. " SINCE WHEN DO THEY PUT A SHOCKING DEVICE INSIDE OF A DEVICE MEANT FOR TRACKING SOMEONE?!" I said rubbing my ankle upset.

" They must've rewired them." Niall said. " NIALL LOOK!" I cried. " STOPPPPP!" I cried as Niall came to a screeching halt in front of a very pissed off Z and H. " Fuck! Fuck! SON OF A BITCH! UGH!" I screamed angrily. "As soon as they move step on it." I said. They moved out of the way but the car jerked forward a little and then died. " What the hell?!" I said upset. " lock the doors!" I cried. We locked the door and curled up behind the seats. " Shhhh. It's okay." Niall said holding me in his arms. We heard keys jingling and one go into the door lock.... Shit this was it! We were gonna die! Please don't kill me. I'm too young to die! Snap! " SON OF A BITCH!" Z snarled angrily. " Whats the problem mate?" H asked Z. " The key broke in half!" Z said throwing the keys to the ground. " Here use my pair." H said handing him his keys. " Shhhhhhiit." Jennette cried. " jennette!" I said. " what?" Jennette asked. " watch your mouth." I said. Click! " Yes!" H said happily as he they wiped the doors open. H smirked. " Miss us? Awwwh, isn't that cute Z they thought they could escape!" H cooed. " Let me go you ass!" I screamed as kicked him in between the legs. H fell to the ground in pain. " Don't move!" I cried opening Harry's knife. " My knife! You stole my prized possession... That's hurtful." H said. " This thing was pissing me off so I took it." I said pointing it at them. They both backed up with their hands in the air to surrender. " We give up." H whimpered. " You know where this knife is going?" I said with a smirk. " Where!" H growled angrily. " It's going to the bottom of the ocean." I said holding it open the edge towards the water. " No! Please don't! She means everything to me! Do it and I swear to god I'll shoot your pretty brain out of that beautiful head of yours." H screamed. I put the knife in my pocket and laughed. " You honestly thought I was gonna drop this weapon into the ocean! Ha! In your dreams. This knife is mine now H. All mine." I said holding it close. I opened it and put it up to H's neck. " what was that you line said to me again oh now I remember! I'm gonna enjoy watching you bleed to death after I cut your pretty little throat open." I growled. " Please don't hurt me! I'm sorry! I've made a mistake taking you captive. I'm sorry." H cried. " BOO HOO HOO CRY ME A RIVER WHY DONT YOU! Fake tears won't make me give up." I said angrily. " you've threatened to kill me, you've called me names, you've raped me more than once! You tried to kill me with this exact knife. And for your information I'm not fat... I have a big appetite." I said with a snarl. " Now be a good boy and take this god damn device off of me this instant! If you don't I'll cut your throat open and then Z's afterwards." I said angrily. " cut our throats open..." They said as they laughed. " Good luck with that sweetheart." H said. He grabbed a hold of my throat and pushed me up against a tree. His squeeze grew deeper. " Please... Stop." I said. H's hand grip grew lighter as he let go of my neck. " Jenette!" I cried. She was making out with Z. I rolled my eyes and held H's knife behind my back. " Give me my knife back sweetheart, I'm not gonna hurt you.. Just please come back home." H said. I cried as I handed him his knife he shut it and put it in his pocket. He pulled me into a hug. " let us go, please. Just let us go." I cried. " we'll change we promise. No more anything. Just us as one big family. We'll even let Nermal join." H said. " my name is Niall!" Niall cried angrily. " Niall, Nermal who really gives a shit!" H snarled angrily. " I give a shit!" Niall cried. " one big happy family you say?" I said with a surprised look on my face. " yeah." H said. " not even then... I'm going home H we all are. Live your bad boy life style, we all know you're not gonna hurt me. Just let me go." I cried. " Fine go!" H growled angrily. I walked to the van as the device shocked me and I fell to the ground. " oops." H said with a smirk. " you did that on purpose!" I cried in pain. " maybe I did. Maybe I didn't... Okay, I did." H said with a laugh. " I hate you!" I growled. " I know you do, that's why you're my girl." H said. He threw me over his shoulder and drove us back to the cabin. This wasn't right! We were suppose to get away! I didn't win! Why oh why?! Stupid contraptions. Oh well my luck sucks, that's all I have to say for now.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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