Chapter 18 - Day 14

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Like he cared wither or not she lived to tell the tale of her survival. I couldn't stand to let her suffer his abuse, so I'm letting her hide out in my bedroom, yeah I know I'm going against my brother, but screw him, he's an ass. Liam didn't know where she was either, I had to the tell the others. I got Liam, Lou, Z together and sat down on the couch. " guys there's something I need to tell you." I said with a scared expression. " Sure, tell us whats on your mind buddy." Z said as he patted my back with his hand. " I've been letting Katlynn and her boyfriend Niall sleep in my closet. They deserve to be together, I can't stand to see her in pain anymore. I wish H never would've bothered her at all and then we wouldn't be in this mess." I said to the guys. They all looked at me and then smiled. " you're doing the right thing. We just can't tell H, it's too dangerous." Liam said. " she's carrying my baby in her, as long as Nermal doesn't try to become the father of my child I'm okay with her being with him." Liam said with a smile. " keep what from me?" A voice asked as we turned our heads to see H standing there with his arms crossed. " that's none of your concern." I said with a growl. " don't hide things from me James... tell me!" Harry snarled as his eyes filled with rage. She walked out into the kitchen and then froze when she saw harry standing there. " Ummmm...." she said standing there awkwardly. " Harry I've been letting katlynn and niall stay here and I'm keeping them away from you and your outbursts." I said with a embarrassed smile. " You've been keeping them here this whole time and never told me! I had the right to know they were here!" Harry growled he put his hands on my throat and began choaking me. " Harry STOP!" she said as harry let go and looked in her eyes. " Hows my little munchkin doing?" Liam asked as he put his hand gently on her stomach. " He or she keeps kicking, they've got a strong kick." she said with a smile. " If its a girl i want to name her Eliza and if its a boy i want to name him Ethan." Liam said with a smile. H put his hand on my stomach. " I don't feel kicking, you liar! You're not even pregnant! You just said that so we wouldn't beat you to a pulp!" H snarled as he slapped me across the face. He pushed me to the ground and both Liam and him took turns kicking me. " Please stop." I pleaded. " I'm sorry, Nermal... Niall came here on his own... I had no idea he was coming I swear! Would I ever lie to you Liam?" I asked him backing up. " You lied right now! You told us you were pregnant when you're obviously not." Liam snarled. " I did it to protect me!" I cried. " Hey Z, pass me my knife." H said. He flipped his knife open and ran his finger over the non sharp part of its blade. " My beauty, the second most important thing in my life." H said with a happy growl. " I do love you Liam. Can't you see that?" I said. Liam stopped Harry before his blade came towards me. " Let her go H." Z said. " what did you just say to me?" H snarled. " I said let her go." Z snarled. H's face turned bright red with anger. " I'm the leader of this group! You follow my orders! So keep your damn mouth shut Malik!" H said. " Nermal! Sit!" H growled as he held the knife towards Niall's throat. H did the unspeakable. He slit Niall's throat and Niall bleed to death on the floor.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" I cried as I fell to the ground. They dumped his body in the woods and buried it in a deep hole. " Good bye Nermal." H said angrily. " You asshole! You killed my boyfriend! I will kill you!" I growled. " don't piss me off!" H growled at me as he slapped me across the face. " just be happy we didn't kill your friend, Z wants to be with her." H said. " Jennette!" I said as she hugged me tight. " Hurt her and I swear to god Z, I'll come into your room while you're sleeping and beat the living daylight out of you!" I snarled as I put my finger into his chest. " don't threaten me sweetheart." Z said with a laugh. He lit a smoke and walked off. All of them dispersed leaving me alone.... At least I thought I was alone. A hand touched my shoulder and they kneeled down next to me. " I'm Sorry babe." The voice sighed. " Liam..." I said as I cried into his shoulder. I wouldn't let them harm jennette, Niall my one true love was gone from my life. All because of me, I ran up the hill and did the one thing I needed to do, If Niall's dies so do I. I held my breath and jumped off the cliff and plunged into the water below. I lay there unconscious as someone was mumbling something. " Not again god damn it! Why do you keep always trying to drown yourself! You should know by now I'm not gonna let you kill yourself, I love you too much." The voice muffled. I coughed up water and breathed in fresh air, my eyes opened and there looking at me wasn't Liam... It wasn't Z, or Louis or James... It was H. He had saved my life. " as much as I get pissed off at you, you mean the world to me and I'm not gonna let you slip away from me. I love you babe." H said as held me close. Tears streamed down his eyes and that's the first time I saw a leader of a vicious notorious gang cry. Apparently tough guys have hearts too. H helped me up and took my hand as he walked me towards the couch. " here lay down." H said. H took a pillow and put it under my head and put a blanket over my body. " H..." I mumbled. " Shhhh...." He said holding my hand. " Just rest my love." He said as he kissed my forehead. " Thank...You." I said as I yawned and fell asleep. Liam watched from the kitchen with envy and anger in his eyes. His hands clenched against his beer bottle. H looked at Liam and gave him a satisfied mocking smile. All Liam gave him in return was the middle finger and then he walked down the hall. As I lay there fast asleep I felt a arm wrap around me. " I will never ever, let him touch you ever again. I promise babe." Another British voice said. I smiled in my sleep as the person kissed my lips. And walked off. I was caught in the middle of a love battlefield and I was the prize. I was what the two guys were competing for. I was like the gold metal an athlete won at the Olympics. I was that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. And that was that. Nothing else was different. Or was there something different I just hadn't noticed yet? Maybe I am right or just kidding myself. God I was so tired.

- Little Miss Sunshine X

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