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     (Y/N) would normally be the first one up on Christmas but she was just so dang tired from last night's festivities she just had to sleep in. First they went out caroling, then they had a Christmas Party at a friends house, lastly was just some relaxing time as they all watched Christmas movies.

    The ninja thought it was a wonderful idea to wake (Y/N) up the way they knew she would wake them up. They quietly sneaked in, Zane filming it all. They all wore colorful Christmas pajamas, Kai having raindeer on his pajama bottoms, Cole wearing a nutcracker t-shirt, Zane wearing a matching snowflake outfit, Jay actually slept in a santa hat, Lloyd wearing a teddy bear onsie. The females watched the men from afar, their pajamas matching the ninja's. "It's Christmas!" they all screamed, Kai, Jay, Cole and Lloyd all jumping on (Y/N)'s bed.

    The girl jumped up around up to Zane's height, the ninja laughing and plopping down on her bed. "Guess what day it is?" June said to the five year old smiling, her voice sounding like the tune to a song. (Y/N) giggled as June quickly braided her hair. "It's Christmas!" she cheered, "Yay!"

    "Let's go open presents!" Lloyd cheered scooping the girl up. The ninja laughed and matched their happy nature. "Let's see what Santa got us!" Nya cheered as they all rushed down the steps. (Y/N) gasped seeing a wall of present around their brightly decorated tree, she cheered before running to the tree. "Merry Christmas!" the ninja cheered following, Sensei and Misako watching them charge at the presents like an army into battle.

   "Coffee?" Garmadon asked. Misako chuckled lightly and nodded, staring at her son's eagerness. "Please, it's gonna be a long day,"

     (Y/N) played with the brand new toys santa gave her for Christmas, it was just a collection of little figures of the ninja. They were waiting for their table to be ready for Christmas dinner. The girl looked up at Kai and smiled seeing he was wearing the new shirt she got him, the shirt having Animal from The Muppets on it. "Wu, party of fourteen?" a waitress asked. Jay waved his hand up, one arm wrapped around Nya. "That's us," Jay said.

    They smiled as they sat at the table. They went to a Japanese steak house where they actually cooked in front of you, the table also the kitchen. A chief came up with a cart of ingredients, spices and such after the ninja gave their orders.

   (Y/N) watched with amazement as the chief flipped and did all these tricks while cooking. He reached over and grabbed a ketchup bottle, "Ha!" he cheered squeezing it in the girl's direction. She squealed and ducked only to see nothing but yarn came from the ketchup bottle. Kai chuckled and ruffled her hair as the chief stacked up onions and poured cooking oil, the stack erupting like a volcano. "Wow,"

    "Can we get desert, daddy?" (Y/N) asked Kai hopefully as she finished off the last of her food. The fire ninja thought a moment before smiling. "I don't see why not, what'd ya want?" Kai asked the girl. She tapped her chin as she read through the desert menu with intrest. The ninja all looked at her smiling as she gazed at the menu. "Let's get a cake!" (Y/N) cheered, Cole agreeing with her choice of desert. Kai chuckled, "Waitress, one cake please," he said.

   "Make it chocolate," Cole added smiling, the girl nodding excitedly to eat the chocolate desert.

    "We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" the ninja cheered skipping along the sidewalk. They were currently at this park that had a path lined with Christmas lights. "Look! It's Santa!" (Y/N) cheered pointing to Santa who sat on a big chair, elves by his side, the line empty. The ninja smiled and walked over, the (H/C) headed girl following. "Then let's go see Santa," Jay said picked her up.

    "Hey there, are you here to see Santa?" the female spoke smiling at (Y/N), the girl nodding. The female smiled as the five year old skipped over to Santa to tell him her Christmas wish list. The ninja could tell she was like Jay as she sat there for a solid five minutes telling him her Christmas wish list. "Okay, (Y/N), baby. I think Santa's got it," Jay said picking the girl up.

    "But i'm not done with my list yet," (Y/N) said. The ninja just carried her away and continued down the path of lights. It even had little story book stuff like Frosty The Snowman and A Texas Christmas ((Grow up in Texas and you know this story by heart X3)) The ninja smiled and read through the stories to (Y/N) as she gripped the raindeer doll they bought her at build-a-bear workshop. The girl smiled as she skipped along smiling wide, the ninja skipping with her.

    (Y/N) slept tiredly in Jay's arms, the lightning ninja smiling at the girl. "Your a good dad, Jay," Nya smiled at him. Jay blinked before smiling.

    "That's good," Jay spoke reaching into his back pocket, "Cause, well," he said, "Will you marry me, Nya Flamey?"

   "Oh, Jay, yes!"

     (Y/N) slept as Cole carefully wrapped a box, he smiled and stuffed it in the girl's stocking, her asleep in his arms. The earth ninja smiled as he tucked her back into the little makeshift bed she made on the couch. "Night," he whispered going back over to bed.

    "Feliz Navidad!" (Y/N) cheered hopping up and down excitedly as the ninja passed out presents for everyone. The earth ninja smiled as Misako took pictures, them all sitting on the couch with their stockings. "Sweet! Kung Fu Panda!" Lloyd cheered opening up a wrapped present that was stuffed in his stocking.

    "A toy robot!" Jay cheered.

    "Mini cakes!" Cole cheered.

    "Cigarettes! Sweet!" Kai cheered. The ninja all turned the fire ninja. "I thought you said you were quitting?" Rosco questioned as she looked at her boyfriend. The male put on a smile and looked at them. "I'm quitting," he lied, stuffing the cigarettes in his pocket. (Y/N) giggled at her father and uncles as she went through her stocking, eating the candy. She opened up a wrapped present to reveal a little day of the dead charm, a colorful skull placed of a (F/C) bow. "Look, papa!" she cheered holding the present to Cole.

   The ninja smiled as Kat tied her hair up in a ponytail, clipping the skull charm in her hair. (Y/N) smiled as she danced around in her pajamas. Nya turned on the radio and they all danced happily to Christmas music. Cole picked the girl up and smiled at her eager face. The girl wrapped the earth ninja in a large hug as she smiled. "Feliz Navidad, papa," she spoke to him.

    "Feliz Navidad, (Y/N)," Cole returned smiling as he engulfed her in a large hug, the girl smiling back.

     The ninja all stood in the church they were currently in, the lights dimmed as they sang Christmas songs. (Y/N) smiled as she smoothed down her (F/C) dress and fixed her matching beanie that hid her bald head. The ice ninja set his hands on the girl's shoulders smiling as he sang along to the Christmas songs.

    A female walked around handing out candles, Kai lighting the candles for everyone. (Y/N) smiled and held the candle above her head as they sang some more. Candles lit up the room like stars as everyone sang happy.

    The kids all gathered to the front to hear the story of Christmas. "Why don't you go up there, (Y/N)?" Rosco questioned the girl. She shyly shuffled her feet, gazing at the ground. "I-I don't wanna go alone..." she spoke quietly. P.I.X.A.L kneeled to her height and smiled, scooping her up in her robotic arms. "Then we will go up their with you," she spoke with a bright smile.

   The ninja all walked to the front and sat, the speaker beginning the story. (Y/N)'s eyes gleamed as she listened to the story smiling wide. The ninja turned to the girl smiling.

   "That was so much fun!" (Y/N) cheered skipping to the car with the ninja. Cole smiled at the little girl, running a hand through his raven black hair. "That was fun, huh?" he said smiling. The girl smiled and wrapped Zane in a hug.

    "Thank you for bringing me. Merry Christmas,"

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope y'all liked it, some of these are actual family traditions my family does. I had a ton of fun doing this scenario, if you guys have any suggestions go ahead and tell me!

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