It Hurts!

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     Since the attack, (Y/N) had started her training. Nothing more than just controlling her powers though, since she was still too young. Lloyd would overreact about every little thing that hurt her though, from the time Cole accidentally stepped on her foot, to the time she got a paper cut. She was currently on the couch with every single ice pack in the monastery covering her leg. What happened you might ask? She scrapped her knee.

     "Uncle Kai," she spoke to the male who was walking in to grab some waters for training. The fire ninja turned to her, "Yeah?" he asked.

     "Can you please take these ice packs off? They're making my leg numb," she whined as Lloyd entered the room. The green ninja grabbed a water bottle from Kai before shaking his head. "No can do, (Y/N)," he said before walking away. Kai then grabbed over half the ice packs and stuffed them back in the freezer. "Don't tell your dad I did that," he said to the girl knowing he'll get in trouble with Lloyd.

    "Thanks Uncle Kai," she spoke smiling.

     (Y/N) smiled as she watched her new baby sister. Rosco had given birth not to long ago to healthy baby girl they named Crystal. "You two be good, we'll be in the training area if you need us," Kai told the two as him and his wife headed towards the training room. The girl nodded and watched the baby kick her small feet. "We will!" she called to her parents.

   "Crystal you wanna play with me?" the girl asked grabbing a few dolls from the little toy chest she held, "This is my favorite doll. Santa Clause gave it to me, but Dad has his phone number so you better be good or else he'll call him," she spoke giving the baby he doll. Crystal held the doll with her chubby hands before sticking it in her mouth. "No!" (Y/N) cried gently getting the doll from the baby, to which she started bawling. Cole walked in and picked the baby up. "What's wrong with her Uncle Cole?" the girl asked.

    Crystal stopped crying as she grabbed the man's hand and began chewing on his fingers. "Her baby teeth are coming in, ask your father if he has teething toys," he informed her, the girl now knowing she didn't hurt her beloved sister.

    "Don't let go!" (Y/N) screamed as Jay pushed her on her bike. The lightning ninja chuckled as he kept pushing her, Nadi and Gear watching from the stroller. Nadakan's daughter wasn't officially adopted by the ninja but she was treated like family. She even had her own nursery to sleep in that the ninja made for her. "I won't let go," Jay said the moment he let go.

    "(Y/N)!" Jay called.

    "What?" the girl yelled.

    "I let go!" he cheered happy to see her riding her bike so well.

    "You lied!" the girl exclaimed as she crashed into bushes. The parents quickly ran to her, the girl holding her elbow where he got a cut. "No! You lied! You said you wouldn't let go and you did!" the girl pouted reaching towards Lloyd, "I want Uncle Lloyd to take care of me," she spoke. Jay nodded knowing she would stop being mad within a day as Lloyd picked her up. "Haha i'm the favorite uncle!" he bragged walking away as the others stood poker faced for their childish behavior.

    Well, more like Lloyd's childish behavior.

     (Y/N) watched as Cole hobbled around on his one good leg. When she started her training the earth ninja was so proud he got distracted when a left on training dummy was barreling towards him. He hurt his leg and refused to go to the doctor. "Cole, please go to the hospital," Kat snapped at the male as he limped to the living room. He rolled his eyes before sitting, resting his leg on the coffee table. "I'm fine," he said stubbornly.

     Zane walked over and rolled up the leg of his pants to check out the wound. They all gasped and screamed seeing Cole's knee was a bright purple to show a bruise. "Roll his pants back down, roll his pants back down," Jay said covering his eyes, Zane rolling the pants leg back down to conceal the wound. "See, I don't need to go to the hospital," Cole said chuckling nervously.

    That night Zane and (Y/N) had conjured up a plan. Zane grabbed Cole out of his bed while he was dead asleep, (Y/N) and him driving him to the hospital as he sleeps. Turns out his leg was broken.

     (Y/N) sat on the couch, sniffing back tears as Zane patched up her wounds. She was trying to train with the ninja when Jay tripped and fell on top of her. The lightning ninja felt horrible about it. "(Y/N), I am so sorry I fell on you," Jay apologized as Zane left to the store to buy her some ice cream. The girl nodded before laying down, Jay bending over backwards for her.

    The girl then started to use it to her advantage seeing as how the lightning ninja would do anything to help her. He obviously felt bad about hurting her as (Y/N) let him run around, fetching her waters, snacks and such. "Need anything else?" Jay asked the girl. She was curled up with blankets, pillows, dolls and drinking some milk. "No, i'm good," she spoke. (Y/N) smiled as Jay sat besise her, still feeling bad about hurting her. The girl noticed this before setting her milk away. "I forgive you," she spoke, "For falling on me that is,"

    When Zane finally came home he found Jay and (Y/N) curled up on the couch, blankets covering them as they slept, Disney blaring on the tv. Zane smiled before setting the girl in bed, making sure to thank Jay for watching his daughter.

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